Reimagine inside sales to ramp up B2B customer acquisition

User-first products are driving rapid company growth in an era where individuals discover, adopt, and share software they like, but what if your company doesn’t fit that profile? Continue reading Reimagine inside sales to ramp up B2B customer acquisition

T2D3 Software Update: Embracing the Founder to CEO (F2C) Journey

It’s been four years since TechCrunch published my blog post The SaaS Adventure, which introduced the concept of a “T2D3” roadmap to help SaaS companies scale — and, as an aside, explored how well my mom understood my job as an “adventure capitalist.” The piece detailed seven distinct stages that enterprise cloud startups must navigate to achieve $100 million in annualized revenue. Specifically, the post encouraged companies to “triple, triple, double, double, double” their revenue as they hit certain milestones. Continue reading T2D3 Software Update: Embracing the Founder to CEO (F2C) Journey

APIs are the next big SaaS wave

While the software revolution started out slowly, over the past few years it’s exploded and the fastest-growing segment to-date has been the shift towards software as a service or SaaS… Continue reading APIs are the next big SaaS wave

Enterprise software is hot — who would have thought?

Once considered the most boring of topics, enterprise software is now getting infused with such energy that it is arguably the hottest space in tech. Continue reading Enterprise software is hot — who would have thought?

‘The Operators’: Experts from Airbnb and Carta on building and managing your company’s customer support

Airbnb’s Global Product Director of Customer and Community Support, and Carta’s Head of Enterprise Relationship Management share how companies should be thinking about customer service. Continue reading ‘The Operators’: Experts from Airbnb and Carta on building and managing your company’s customer support

David and Goliath: Approaching the ‘deal’

Adam Zagaris Contributor Share on Twitter Adam Zagaris is an attorney, partner and founder at Moonshot Legal, specializing in commercial contracts. Adam helps startups close deals and move up and to the right. It is a simple question with a complex answer. How does a startup get from zero to execution when negotiating contracts with […] Continue reading David and Goliath: Approaching the ‘deal’

The startups creating the future of RegTech and financial services

Technology has been used to manage regulatory risk since the advent of the ledger book (or the Bloomberg terminal, depending on your reference point). However, the cost-consciousness internalized… Continue reading The startups creating the future of RegTech and financial services

How we scaled our startup by being remote first

Startups are often associated with the benefits and toys provided in their offices. But what if the future of startups was less about physical office space and more about remote-first work… Continue reading How we scaled our startup by being remote first

Beyond costs, what else can we do to make housing affordable?

In this section of my exploration into innovation in inclusive housing, I am digging into the 200+ companies impacting the key phases of developing and managing housing. Continue reading Beyond costs, what else can we do to make housing affordable?