Fascinating photographs highlight the beauty found in daily life

Swedish camera manufacturer Hasselblad has revealed the winners of its latest photography competition. The selection showcases 18 superb shots that highlight the extraordinary beauty that can be found in every day life, from humble houses to train jour… Continue reading Fascinating photographs highlight the beauty found in daily life

Otherworldly: Incredible images from the insect photography awards

This enormous and important part of the animal kingdom may not be most people’s favorite, but insects are a diverse, resilient and ancient bunch that date back almost 400 million years. But because of their size, many of us don’t really get a chance to… Continue reading Otherworldly: Incredible images from the insect photography awards

Birdlife in the balance: Winners of the 2024 Audubon Photography Awards

It hasn’t been a great year for birds, from the ongoing avian influenza crisis to other more subtle changes such as shifts in insect and fish availability resulting in smaller clutches and offspring. With two-thirds of North American species now threat… Continue reading Birdlife in the balance: Winners of the 2024 Audubon Photography Awards

MFT camera system brings AI-driven photography to smartphones

London startup Photogram has announced the start of shipping to pre-order buyers of the Alice Camera – a Micro Four Thirds camera system with AI-driven computational photography that mounts to a smartphone running a companion app, for the best of both … Continue reading MFT camera system brings AI-driven photography to smartphones

Gallery: Our glorious galaxy stars in Milky Way photo competition

The seventh annual Milky Way Photographer of the Year collection has been released, featuring ever more stunning shots of our home galaxy, contrasted against our home planet. This year’s gallery is sure to inspire awe and just a touch of existential dr… Continue reading Gallery: Our glorious galaxy stars in Milky Way photo competition

Hybrid camera system gives your smartphone “super-telephoto” zoom

Tech company Beaverlab has launched a Kickstarter to raise funds for a smart super-telephoto camera called the Excope DT1 that can be had with a 400-mm zoom lens, and works with a smartphone to capture distant imagery.Continue ReadingCategory: Mobile T… Continue reading Hybrid camera system gives your smartphone “super-telephoto” zoom

World’s fastest camera shoots at 156.3 trillion frames per second

An illustration of SCARF, the world's fastest camera. A chirped pulse of light captures an ultrafast event – an apple being pierced with a bullet – before entering the system for processing into an image

Engineers at INRS Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications Research Centre in Canada have developed the world’s fastest camera, which can shoot at an astonishing 156.3 trillion frames per second (fps).

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