One-third of dev professionals unfamiliar with secure coding practices

Attackers consistently discover and exploit software vulnerabilities, highlighting the increasing importance of robust software security, according to OpenSSF and the Linux Foundation. Despite this, many developers lack the essential knowledge and skil… Continue reading One-third of dev professionals unfamiliar with secure coding practices

Laying the groundwork for zero trust in the military

In this Help Net Security interview, Curtis Arnold, VP and Chief Scientist at Core4ce, discusses the starting points for military training in zero trust principles, emphasizing foundational technologies and a unified taxonomy. Arnold provides insights … Continue reading Laying the groundwork for zero trust in the military

Exploring the root causes of the cybersecurity skills gap

In this Help Net Security interview, Koma Gandy, VP of Leadership and Business at Skillsoft, addresses the critical aspects of the cybersecurity skills gap, the need for diverse talent and continuous upskilling in areas like AI and cloud computing. Gan… Continue reading Exploring the root causes of the cybersecurity skills gap

6 tips to implement security gamification effectively

There’s not a CISO in the industry who’s not aware of the extremely short median CISO tenure. That’s why the best CISOs are those who constantly seek ways to strengthen their teams. They help members evolve and grow in their roles, enhancing security p… Continue reading 6 tips to implement security gamification effectively

GenAI can enhance security awareness training

One of the biggest concerns over generative AI is its ability to manipulate us, which makes it ideal for orchestrating social engineering attacks. From mining someone’s digital footprint to crafting highly convincing spear phishing emails, to voice cap… Continue reading GenAI can enhance security awareness training

AI set to enhance cybersecurity roles, not replace them

In this Help Net Security interview, Caleb Sima, Chair of CSA AI Security Alliance, discusses how AI empowers security pros, emphasizing its role in enhancing skills and productivity rather than replacing staff. AI is seen as empowering rather than rep… Continue reading AI set to enhance cybersecurity roles, not replace them

Understanding employees’ motivations behind risky actions

More 68% of employees knowingly put their organizations at risk, potentially leading to ransomware or malware infections, data breaches, or financial loss, according to Proofpoint. Perception on security responsibility And while the incidence of succes… Continue reading Understanding employees’ motivations behind risky actions

We can’t risk losing staff to alert fatigue

The oft-quoted Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu famously claimed: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” Exchange “battles” for “cyberattacks”, and the maxim will hold. But too much information … Continue reading We can’t risk losing staff to alert fatigue

Unlocking sustainable security practices with secure coding education

Despite stringent regulations and calls for ‘security by design’, organizations are still failing to equip teams with the knowledge to secure code, according to Security Journey. In fact, only 20% of respondents were confident in their ability to detec… Continue reading Unlocking sustainable security practices with secure coding education