Doomscroll Precisely, and Wirelessly

An animated GIF of Engineer Bo's Precision Bluetooth Scroll Wheel wirelessly, and effortlessly scrolling down the Hack A Day blog with a single finger

Around here, we love it when someone identifies a need and creates their own solution. In this case, [Engineer Bo] was tired of endless and imprecise scrolling with a mouse …read more Continue reading Doomscroll Precisely, and Wirelessly

Custom Firmware For Even Cheaper Bluetooth Thermometers

Readers may recall when we first covered the $5 Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC temperature and humidity sensor back in 2020. Prolific hacker [Aaron Christophel] wrote a custom firmware for the affordable gadget …read more Continue reading Custom Firmware For Even Cheaper Bluetooth Thermometers

Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Folding Keyboard Mod

Illustrated Kristina with an IBM Model M keyboard floating between her hands.

Let’s face it, failed Kickstarters are no good. But they can spark good things, like real versions of technologies that might have actually been faked for the platform. A touchscreen …read more Continue reading Keebin’ with Kristina: the One with the Folding Keyboard Mod

DIY 3D-Printed Arduino Self-Balancing Cube

Self-balancing devices present a unique blend of challenge and innovation. That’s how [mircemk]’s project caught our eye. While balancing cubes isn’t a new concept — Hackaday has published several over …read more Continue reading DIY 3D-Printed Arduino Self-Balancing Cube