Compromising the Secure Boot Process

This isn’t good:

On Thursday, researchers from security firm Binarly revealed that Secure Boot is completely compromised on more than 200 device models sold by Acer, Dell, Gigabyte, Intel, and Supermicro. The cause: a cryptographic key underpinning Secure Boot on those models that was compromised in 2022. In a public GitHub repository committed in December of that year, someone working for multiple US-based device manufacturers published what’s known as a platform key, the cryptographic key that forms the root-of-trust anchor between the hardware device and the firmware that runs on it. The repository was located at, and it’s not clear when it was taken down…

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Can linear congruential generator be used in public-key cryptography? [closed]

The question is not about generating pseudo-random numbers with linear congruential generator.
A linear congruential generator (LCG) is defined by the recurrence relation:
[ X_{n+1} = (a X_n + c) \mod m ]
Can LCG be used in public-key cryp… Continue reading Can linear congruential generator be used in public-key cryptography? [closed]

what should be the response of keyupdate if the initial KeyUpdateRequest is set to update_not_requested not update_requested

"The KeyUpdate handshake message is used to indicate that the sender is updating its sending cryptographic keys."
"If the request_update field is set to "update_requested", then the receiver MUST send a KeyUpdate o… Continue reading what should be the response of keyupdate if the initial KeyUpdateRequest is set to update_not_requested not update_requested

Security Risks of Deriving Crypto Wallet Seed Phrases Using Deterministically Derived Salt

I’m working on a project where I want to generate a set of crypto wallet seed phrases from an existing seed phrase. The reason for this is so that using just the original seed phrase the wallet holder can access multiple connected accounts… Continue reading Security Risks of Deriving Crypto Wallet Seed Phrases Using Deterministically Derived Salt