Hackaday Links: July 7, 2024

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Begun, the Spectrum Wars have. First, it was AM radio getting the shaft (last item) and being yanked out of cars for the supposed impossibility of peaceful coexistence with rolling …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: July 7, 2024

So Much Going On In So Few Components: Dissecting A Microwave Radar Module

In the days before integrated circuits became ubiquitous, providing advanced functionality in a single package, designers became adept at extracting the maximum use from discrete components. They’d use clever circuits …read more Continue reading So Much Going On In So Few Components: Dissecting A Microwave Radar Module

Hackaday Links: June 9, 2024

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We’ve been harping a lot lately about the effort by carmakers to kill off AM radio, ostensibly because making EVs that don’t emit enough electromagnetic interference to swamp broadcast signals …read more Continue reading Hackaday Links: June 9, 2024

Radio signal from space repeats every hour, defying explanation

The universe is awash with strange radio signals, but astronomers have now detected a really bizarre one that repeats every hour, cycling through three different states. While they have some ideas about its origin it can’t be explained by our current u… Continue reading Radio signal from space repeats every hour, defying explanation