David and Goliath: Approaching the ‘deal’

Adam Zagaris Contributor Share on Twitter Adam Zagaris is an attorney, partner and founder at Moonshot Legal, specializing in commercial contracts. Adam helps startups close deals and move up and to the right. It is a simple question with a complex answer. How does a startup get from zero to execution when negotiating contracts with […] Continue reading David and Goliath: Approaching the ‘deal’

Carahsoft Named Official Distributor for Bromium Virtualization-Based Security

We’ve been working with Carahsoft for years, but are proud to make things “official” today as we tap them to help us extend our reach. We are the leader in virtualization-based security that delivers application isolation and containm… Continue reading Carahsoft Named Official Distributor for Bromium Virtualization-Based Security

Ask Hackaday: How Should Hackers Handle IP Agreements?

My buddy Harold recently landed a new job at a great technology company. It came at a perfect time for him, having just been laid off from the corporate behemoth where he’d toiled away as an anonymous cog for 19 years. But the day before he was to start, the new company’s HR folks sent him some last-minute documents to sign. One was a broad and vaguely worded non-compete agreement which essentially said he was barred from working in any related industry for a year after leaving the company.

Harold was tempted not to sign, but eventually relented because one …read more

Continue reading Ask Hackaday: How Should Hackers Handle IP Agreements?