New “giant dragon” dinosaur offers clues to T-rex’s weirdly tiny arms

Paleontologists have described a new species of giant carnivorous dinosaur from a fairly complete skeleton in Patagonia. The discovery could help shed new light on the mystery of why such powerful predators had almost comically tiny arms.Continue Readi… Continue reading New “giant dragon” dinosaur offers clues to T-rex’s weirdly tiny arms

Megaraptor: Largest known raptor dinosaur uncovered in South America

An artist's illustration of how the newly discovered large megaraptor Maip macrothorax might have looked in life

Paleontologists have discovered the largest raptor dinosaur ever found. The new species, known as Maip macrothorax, was a super predator of the megaraptor family that stalked the forests of Argentina some 70 million years ago.

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Beyond costs, what else can we do to make housing affordable?

In this section of my exploration into innovation in inclusive housing, I am digging into the 200+ companies impacting the key phases of developing and managing housing. Continue reading Beyond costs, what else can we do to make housing affordable?