Eye membrane removal may help transplanted cells reverse glaucoma damage

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can gradually cause vision loss, which is currently irreversible. But in a new cell culture study scientists found that removing a membrane at the back of the eye could help transplanted cells migrate into the opt… Continue reading Eye membrane removal may help transplanted cells reverse glaucoma damage

DARPA program seeks night-vision googles as light and compact as glasses

DARPA is starting a program to develop a new multispectral Enhanced Night Vision (ENVision) system for the military that replaces today’s heavy night-vision goggles with ones that are as light and compact as a pair of eyeglasses.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading DARPA program seeks night-vision googles as light and compact as glasses

Single gene therapy injection surprisingly boosts vision in both eyes

One of the ways scientists hope to offer better treatments for vision loss is through gene therapy, where carefully selected genetic material is injected into the eyes to address mutations. Researchers have been left surprised by the effectiveness of a… Continue reading Single gene therapy injection surprisingly boosts vision in both eyes

Anti-aging gene therapy restores vision to mice with glaucoma

Using an experimental gene therapy, Harvard scientists have successfully restored vision to mice suffering glaucoma by effectively rewinding the aging process in their cells. While still in the early stages, the team says the research is a proof of con… Continue reading Anti-aging gene therapy restores vision to mice with glaucoma

Gene therapy may help prevent vision loss from genetic eye disease

Researchers in Ireland have developed a new gene therapy treatment that may be able to save the vision of patients with a genetic disease that can lead to blindness. The condition, known as dominant optic atrophy (DOA), currently has no preventative or… Continue reading Gene therapy may help prevent vision loss from genetic eye disease

Two-for-one eye cell injection boosts vision in severely blinded mice

Scientists working towards next-generation treatments for blindness have made an exciting breakthrough, demonstrating how a new method of injecting healthy cells into the eyes could act as a one-two punch to address vision loss. The technique, demonstr… Continue reading Two-for-one eye cell injection boosts vision in severely blinded mice

Injection of nanoparticle-based retina restores vision to blind rats

Impressive new work from an international team of scientists has demonstrated a potential way to restore vision in those suffering from degenerative diseases of the retina. A single injection of nanoparticles was found to create a working artificial re… Continue reading Injection of nanoparticle-based retina restores vision to blind rats

Age-related vision loss prevented by exercise in experimental study

We know exercise is a good thing. It improves everything from cardiovascular disease to one’s cognitive health. Observational studies have also seen physical activity lessen age-related vision loss, but until now it hasn’t been clear how causal that re… Continue reading Age-related vision loss prevented by exercise in experimental study