Fruit: A secret weapon against age-related depression

If an apple a day keeps the doctor away, then a new study suggests upsizing this to a fruit salad may offer even more – by significantly lowering the risk of depressive symptoms with age. It’s the latest in a growing body of evidence that points to the… Continue reading Fruit: A secret weapon against age-related depression

Anti-aging molecule successfully restores multiple markers of youth

In pre-clinical trials, a small molecule effectively regrew neurons, reduced inflammation, and improved memory, speed, coordination, grip strength, and more. The finding could have a profound impact on aging and the diseases that accompany it.Continue … Continue reading Anti-aging molecule successfully restores multiple markers of youth

Eating cheese plays a role in healthy, happy aging – who are we to argue?

A massive study of 2.3 million people has found that, independent of socioeconomic factors, mental well-being may be the most important single aspect to healthy aging and living longer lives. But a surprise finding was that those who reported the best … Continue reading Eating cheese plays a role in healthy, happy aging – who are we to argue?

Nutrient profile of popular diet linked to slower brain aging

By combining brain scans and nutritional intake data, a new study has found a nutrient profile that puts the brakes on brain aging. What’s more, that profile matches an easy-to-follow popular eating plan that’s been proven to convey multiple benefits.C… Continue reading Nutrient profile of popular diet linked to slower brain aging

Blood pressure drugs double the risk of bone fractures in older adults

Healthcare workers have urged for a greater duty of care with older adults who start taking common blood pressure medicines, with a new study highlighting that they’re more than twice as likely to experience fall-related fractures after commencing trea… Continue reading Blood pressure drugs double the risk of bone fractures in older adults

How much dietary fiber do you need to reduce high blood pressure?

Dietary fiber is known to reduce blood pressure, but there’ve been no guides on how much you need to eat to reap the rewards – until now. A new study has confirmed that dietary fiber lowered blood pressure independently of medication and quantified how… Continue reading How much dietary fiber do you need to reduce high blood pressure?

Tardigrade proteins upgrade damage resistance of human cells

Tardigrades are famously tough little critters, and good for them – but what’s in it for us? We might now be closer to hijacking their superpowers for our own benefit, with a new study finding that tardigrade proteins can protect human cells from damag… Continue reading Tardigrade proteins upgrade damage resistance of human cells

First sleep apnea drug reduces severity in 70% of trial cases

Sleep apnea can negatively impact health and well-being, but treatment is limited to poorly tolerated positive pressure masks (CPAP) and, in the worst cases, surgery. However, in a recent trial, a nasal spray showed promise as a treatment for the most … Continue reading First sleep apnea drug reduces severity in 70% of trial cases