ADHD robot coach works where apps and screens fail

Adults with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) will know that the condition presents challenges that impact many aspects of daily life: missed deadlines, debilitating task paralysis, forgotten appointments, poor time management and ‘to-do’ l… Continue reading ADHD robot coach works where apps and screens fail

Close friends and family reduce heart disease risk by up to 30%

Socializing is important for mental and physical health, improving mood and promoting a sense of belonging, security, and safety. Many studies have demonstrated the negative impacts that loneliness and social isolation can have on health, especially fo… Continue reading Close friends and family reduce heart disease risk by up to 30%

How much dietary fiber do you need to reduce high blood pressure?

Dietary fiber is known to reduce blood pressure, but there’ve been no guides on how much you need to eat to reap the rewards – until now. A new study has confirmed that dietary fiber lowered blood pressure independently of medication and quantified how… Continue reading How much dietary fiber do you need to reduce high blood pressure?

Ultrasound waves spark movement in sleepy sperm by up to 266%

Scientists have boosted the motility of sluggish sperm by up to 266%, by blasting the cells with noninvasive, 40-MHz ultrasound waves to induce movement. Capturing the technique’s impact on individual sperm cells, the study opens the door to new non-in… Continue reading Ultrasound waves spark movement in sleepy sperm by up to 266%

Taylor Swift’s music could be used to save lives, heart experts say

Researchers have found that more than 50 Taylor Swift songs have an optimal tempo for delivering effective chest compressions during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation or CPR. They’re hoping that Swift’s music will teach fans – and others – … Continue reading Taylor Swift’s music could be used to save lives, heart experts say

Too much ‘good’ cholesterol could be bad for dementia, says study

It’s generally considered a good thing to have elevated levels of HDL cholesterol, also commonly referred to as “good” cholesterol. But new research indicates that when those HDL levels climb too high, dementia could be an unwanted side effect.Continue… Continue reading Too much ‘good’ cholesterol could be bad for dementia, says study

Eating at least two handfuls of nuts a day may improve male fertility

A research review has found that eating at least two handfuls of nuts a day may improve sperm quality – and, therefore, fertility – in young, healthy males. This simple strategy had positive effects without requiring any other changes to diet.Continue … Continue reading Eating at least two handfuls of nuts a day may improve male fertility

Non-benzodiazepine anti-anxiety drug performs well due to innovative tech

A proof-of-concept clinical trial of a non-benzodiazepine drug, a version of a naturally occurring neuroactive steroid, has shown that it’s as effective as alprazolam, better known as Xanax, at reducing anxiety. Critical to the trial’s success was tech… Continue reading Non-benzodiazepine anti-anxiety drug performs well due to innovative tech

Losing just 1% of deep sleep found to increase dementia risk by 27%

A new study has found that, in people over 60, a reduction in deep sleep by as little as 1% per year equated to a 27% increased risk of dementia. The findings suggest that enhancing or maintaining deep sleep may be a way of keeping the disease at bay.C… Continue reading Losing just 1% of deep sleep found to increase dementia risk by 27%