Diabetes-reversing drug boosts insulin-producing cells by 700%

People living with diabetes might have a new hope. Scientists have tested a new drug therapy in diabetic mice, and found that it boosted insulin-producing cells by 700% over three months, effectively reversing their disease.Continue ReadingCategory: Me… Continue reading Diabetes-reversing drug boosts insulin-producing cells by 700%

New intelligence model could upend biology, genetics, medicine and AI

These are some absolutely wild ideas, so before we get started, it’s important to know that Michael Levin is no fringe scientist or crackpot. He’s a director of the Allen Discovery Center at Tufts University, as well as the Tufts Center for Regenerativ… Continue reading New intelligence model could upend biology, genetics, medicine and AI

Anti-aging biopharma company raises $40 million to begin human tests

“As people live longer, improving quality of life is paramount,” said Alex Morgan, a partner at Khosla Ventures, who chipped in to fund Rubedo’s first round of venture capital financing. “Rubedo is targeting senescent, or aging, cells that drive age-re… Continue reading Anti-aging biopharma company raises $40 million to begin human tests

Self-assembling synthetic cells act like living cells with extra abilities

Using DNA and proteins, scientists have created new synthetic cells that act like living cells. Blurring the line between artificial and living materials, these cells can be reprogrammed to perform multiple functions, opening the door to new synthetic … Continue reading Self-assembling synthetic cells act like living cells with extra abilities

New asthma cause identified – and a new angle for treatment

A new root cause for asthma has been identified – as well as a new potential way to treat it

As common as asthma is, exactly how it starts remains murky. Scientists have now identified a new root cause, and importantly a new angle for treating the disease that can prevent the main symptoms.

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Resurrecting the mammoth: Elephant breakthrough gets us a step closer

We’re a step closer to seeing a live woolly mammoth walking the Earth for the first time in 4,000 years. Colossal Biosciences, a company dedicated to the controversial-but-unquestionably-cool goal of resurrecting extinct species, has now announced a ma… Continue reading Resurrecting the mammoth: Elephant breakthrough gets us a step closer

Ultrasound waves spark movement in sleepy sperm by up to 266%

Scientists have boosted the motility of sluggish sperm by up to 266%, by blasting the cells with noninvasive, 40-MHz ultrasound waves to induce movement. Capturing the technique’s impact on individual sperm cells, the study opens the door to new non-in… Continue reading Ultrasound waves spark movement in sleepy sperm by up to 266%

Scientists grow beef cells in rice to make new protein-rich space food

In a move that will make some stomachs growl and others turn, Korean scientists have taken muscle and fat stem cells from cows and transplanted them into grains of rice. The end result is a new, high-protein food that should be cheap, environmentally f… Continue reading Scientists grow beef cells in rice to make new protein-rich space food

Replacement cartilage can grow in any shape with 3D-printed “spheroids”

Researchers at TU Wien have developed a new way to grow cartilage from stem cells and guide it into basically any shape required. The breakthrough could lead to better ways to patch up injuries.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, ScienceTags: Cartilage,… Continue reading Replacement cartilage can grow in any shape with 3D-printed “spheroids”

Never-before-seen immune cell a “game-changer” for food allergy sufferers

Researchers have discovered a never-before-identified type of memory B cell, an immune cell that ‘remembers’ what a person is allergic to, potentially opening the door to new therapeutics to treat allergies, including life-threatening food allergies.Co… Continue reading Never-before-seen immune cell a “game-changer” for food allergy sufferers