Ultrasound waves spark movement in sleepy sperm by up to 266%

Scientists have boosted the motility of sluggish sperm by up to 266%, by blasting the cells with noninvasive, 40-MHz ultrasound waves to induce movement. Capturing the technique’s impact on individual sperm cells, the study opens the door to new non-in… Continue reading Ultrasound waves spark movement in sleepy sperm by up to 266%

AI Watches You Sleep; Knows When You Dream

If you’ve never been a patient at a sleep laboratory, monitoring a person as they sleep is an involved process of wires, sensors, and discomfort. Seeking a better method, MIT researchers — led by [Dina Katabi] and in collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital — have developed a device that can non-invasively identify the stages of sleep in a patient.

Approximately the size of a laptop and mounted on a wall near the patient, the device measures the minuscule changes in reflected low-power RF signals. The wireless signals are analyzed by a deep neural-network AI and predicts the various sleep stages …read more

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