Hybrid brain lets one species’ neurons help out another’s

Adding rat stem cells to a mouse embryo resulted in a ‘hybrid brain’ in which the rat cells stepped in to restore function when the mouse’s sense of smell was removed, new research has shown. It’s the first time one animal’s cells have been used to res… Continue reading Hybrid brain lets one species’ neurons help out another’s

Junk food damages growing brains so severely it affects long-term memory

Eating a fatty, sugary Western diet (read: junk food) during the crucial years of brain development impairs memory long-term, new research has found. Caused by a reduction in a neurotransmitter associated with Alzheimer’s disease, the memory impairment… Continue reading Junk food damages growing brains so severely it affects long-term memory

World’s most powerful MRI machine captures first stunning brain scans

An image of a human brain captured with the new Iseult MRI machine at a power of 11.7 Teslas, showing the level of detail possible

The world’s most powerful MRI machine has started proving its worth, by scanning living human brains. The resulting images give an ultra high resolution glimpse into the brain, which will help us better understand the nature of consciousness and treat neurodegenerative diseases.

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Younger generations have bigger brains – and it’s impacting dementia

Brains are larger than they were in the 1930s

Bigger brains suggest better brain health and cognitive function. And since the 1930s, our brains have been growing in size. Now, a new study shows how this is affecting our risk of developing dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease.

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Beyond plaques: New Alzheimer’s treatment pathway discovered

New pathways to combating and treating Alzheimer's disease are emerging as researchers look for mechanisms beyond brain plaques

Researchers have discovered that limiting a certain enzyme can have a dramatic impact in protecting against the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. The finding could lead to a new class of drugs that fight the disease.

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New images show ‘demonic’ face distortions from rare condition

Imagine waking up one morning and finding that every face you see is distorted into demonic proportions, with pointy ears, narrow eyes and a terrifying grin. That’s a reality for some patients with a rare condition called prosopometamorphopsia (PMO), a… Continue reading New images show ‘demonic’ face distortions from rare condition

Golf, and other men’s hobbies, drive a 300% increase in ALS risk

Men who engage in recreational activities such as golf, gardening and woodworking are at higher risk of developing ALS, an incurable progressive nervous system disease, a study has found. The findings add to mounting evidence suggesting a link between … Continue reading Golf, and other men’s hobbies, drive a 300% increase in ALS risk

Middle-age obesity linked to shape-shifting brain neurons

A change in shape to a particular structure of neurons was found to have a significant impact on obesity in rats. Researchers believe the finding will translate to humans and could help us fight our own middle-aged bulges one day.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Middle-age obesity linked to shape-shifting brain neurons

Chemotherapy brain fog cleared with simple light and sound treatment

MIT scientists have shown in mice that a simple light and sound exposure therapy can reduce symptoms of 'chemo brain,' the cognitive issues that arise during chemotherapy

If you or someone you know has gone through chemotherapy, you might be familiar with the side effect commonly called ‘chemo brain.’ Scientists have now demonstrated a simple way to protect brain cells from damage using flashing lights and sounds at a certain frequency.

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