New images show ‘demonic’ face distortions from rare condition

Imagine waking up one morning and finding that every face you see is distorted into demonic proportions, with pointy ears, narrow eyes and a terrifying grin. That’s a reality for some patients with a rare condition called prosopometamorphopsia (PMO), a… Continue reading New images show ‘demonic’ face distortions from rare condition

Year-long exercise study reveals surprising impacts on mental health

We’ve seen studies offer some valuable insights into different ways exercise can be beneficial for brain health, from combating depression, to fighting dementia, to boosting our memory. New research has approached this topic with a long-term view, tapp… Continue reading Year-long exercise study reveals surprising impacts on mental health

Stretchy, porous crystal can grow on demand to trap more molecules

Engineers at Dartmouth College have developed a new crystal structure that can stretch to twice its size when it encounters a specific chemical. The team says that the material could be used to selectively absorb impurities in water.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Stretchy, porous crystal can grow on demand to trap more molecules

Ancient beer was brewed from rice 9,000 years ago

Archaeologists have discovered one of the oldest examples of alcohol being consumed. A set of ancient pots dating back around 9,000 years have been found to contain traces of an early form of beer, which seems to have been used as part of a ritual hono… Continue reading Ancient beer was brewed from rice 9,000 years ago

Smart tablecloth fabric knows what’s placed upon it

Imagine if your tablecloth could alert you to the whereabouts of misplaced items, or track your diet? Those things and more may soon be possible, thanks to a new “smart” fabric being developed at New Hampshire’s Dartmouth College.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading Smart tablecloth fabric knows what’s placed upon it

Scientists identify two protein pieces of the cancer puzzle

How cancer develops is a complex puzzle, involving untold moving parts and chemical reactions. Now, scientists have found how two of these pieces work together to prevent cancer forming, which could unlock new types of cancer treatments.Continue Readin… Continue reading Scientists identify two protein pieces of the cancer puzzle

Smartphones and fitness trackers used to gauge employee performance

Ordinarily, when employers wish to assess the performance of their employees, they have them fill out questionnaires or take part in interviews. A new (and perhaps somewhat Orwellian) system is claimed to be more objective and thus more accur… Continue reading Smartphones and fitness trackers used to gauge employee performance