Deliberately-infected-human study shows why some of us don’t get COVID

A group of volunteers in the UK let scientists put the SARS-CoV-2 virus up their noses for research investigating why some of us naturally avoid getting COVID-19. This first-of-its-kind study opens the door to better vaccines and treatments.Continue Re… Continue reading Deliberately-infected-human study shows why some of us don’t get COVID

Kidneys in space: Why a trip to Mars could end in dialysis

Our interest in Mars has really taken off recently. The Red Planet has become a goal of human exploration – and settlement if you’re Elon Musk – because it’s the only planet in the solar system, other than Earth, where we know life may have existed.Con… Continue reading Kidneys in space: Why a trip to Mars could end in dialysis

Major inflammatory bowel disease cause identified – and treated

For the first time, a major trigger in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and related conditions has been identified, and existing drugs can stamp it out, in what scientists call a “massive step” in successfully treating these debilitating chronic condit… Continue reading Major inflammatory bowel disease cause identified – and treated

Men on Viagra found to have 18% lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists found a surprising link between erectile dysfunction medication use and Alzheimer's risk

Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors such as Viagra are, of course, best known for effectively treating erectile dysfunction, but a study of nearly 270,000 men has added to the growing body of evidence that they may also lower the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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First evidence of human-to-human transmission of Alzheimer’s disease

Some patients treated with a type of human growth hormone collected from deceased individuals were found to develop signs of Alzheimer's disease at unusually young ages

A team of researchers at University College London has reported the first-ever clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of Alzheimer’s disease. Across a handful of extraordinarily rare case studies the researchers demonstrated how a human growth hormone treatment transplanted toxic proteins into children and caused the development of early-onset Alzheimer’s.

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Of all stressors, financial strain found to be most detrimental to health

A new study has found that while exposure to stressful life events or circumstances was associated with worse biological health, experiencing financial strain, in particular, had the strongest detrimental effect on the immune, nervous, and endocrine sy… Continue reading Of all stressors, financial strain found to be most detrimental to health

‘ECG vest’ provides high-res heart images that may predict future risk

Researchers have developed a non-invasive, reusable ‘ECG vest’ that takes high-resolution images of the heart’s electrical activity in five minutes. Combining its data with cardiac MRI scans can better identify people at risk of future heart problems a… Continue reading ‘ECG vest’ provides high-res heart images that may predict future risk

A single big night of drinking a week ramps up liver-disease risk by 4x

It’s a safe assumption that we all know binge drinking is not good for our general health. But a new study shows that one big night a week is significantly more harmful than spreading that same amount of drinks out over the same period.Continue Reading… Continue reading A single big night of drinking a week ramps up liver-disease risk by 4x

Hunting spacetime fluctuations could unite Einstein and quantum physics

A unified Theory Of Everything is the holy grail of physics, but gravity refuses to play ball. Now, a newly proposed theory attempts to unify Einstein’s theory of gravity with quantum mechanics – and importantly, outlines a way to test it experimentall… Continue reading Hunting spacetime fluctuations could unite Einstein and quantum physics

Novel nanoribbons could improve battery & solar cell efficiency

Researchers have created a new family of nanomaterials by alloying phosphorus with arsenic to create single-atom-thick ribbons that are highly conductive, making them ideal candidates for use in next-generation batteries, solar cells and quantum comput… Continue reading Novel nanoribbons could improve battery & solar cell efficiency