Deliberately-infected-human study shows why some of us don’t get COVID

A group of volunteers in the UK let scientists put the SARS-CoV-2 virus up their noses for research investigating why some of us naturally avoid getting COVID-19. This first-of-its-kind study opens the door to better vaccines and treatments.Continue Re… Continue reading Deliberately-infected-human study shows why some of us don’t get COVID

Toilet flush tests reveal just how nasty it is to leave the lid up

When it comes to toilet etiquette, do you put the lid down before you flush or leave it up? If you said leave it up, the results of a new study by researchers at the Asan Medical Center in South Korea might have you questioning your practices.Continue … Continue reading Toilet flush tests reveal just how nasty it is to leave the lid up

Simple oral spray prevents UTIs for up to nine years

An oral spray vaccine against recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) prevented the condition from returning for up to nine years in more than half of study participants, new research has shown. It offers a safe, effective method of UTI prevention an… Continue reading Simple oral spray prevents UTIs for up to nine years

New one-and-done vaccine protects against multiple coronaviruses

A single-shot vaccine that protects against multiple coronaviruses, including the one that causes COVID-19, has been developed. It erased all viral traces from the lungs of animal subjects, opening a pathway for a similar human vaccine.Continue Reading… Continue reading New one-and-done vaccine protects against multiple coronaviruses

Mussel-protein coating keeps implants safe from infections

A protein obtained from mussels could one day keep infections from occurring at the site of bone implants such as artificial hips. And while the protein does kill the microbes, it should still limit the development of antibiotic-resistant “superbacteri… Continue reading Mussel-protein coating keeps implants safe from infections

Cystic fibrosis breakthrough points to zinc as infection buster

Zinc has been found to be important in keeping lung infections at bay in people with cystic fibrosis, whose immune cell’s natural bacteria-fighting ability has been reduced by the genetic mutation that causes the disease. The discovery could result in … Continue reading Cystic fibrosis breakthrough points to zinc as infection buster

Bloodborne pathogens quickly ID’d by melting their DNA

A new technique, which involves melting bacterial DNA found in blood samples, could deliver diagnoses of potentially fatal infections faster than ever before. Results may be obtained in a few hours, instead of days.Continue ReadingCategory: Medical, Sc… Continue reading Bloodborne pathogens quickly ID’d by melting their DNA

Inflammation or infection: The debate over COVID’s effect on the brain

Perhaps one of the most persistent debates around COVID has been the reason behind the disease’s neurological symptoms. Ever since SARS-CoV-2 emerged in late 2019 the virus has been known for its novel effects on the brain: Extreme fatigue, cognitive a… Continue reading Inflammation or infection: The debate over COVID’s effect on the brain

New molecule triggers burst of white blood cells to fight infections

White blood cells are important foot soldiers in the immune system, but their numbers can be cut by health conditions or treatments like chemotherapy. Yale scientists have now discovered a molecule that can be given to quickly boost their numbers back … Continue reading New molecule triggers burst of white blood cells to fight infections