Pupil size found to vary based on number of objects you’re looking at

A compelling study has found pupils respond in the same way to the number of objects in one’s field of vision as they do to light. Experiments revealed pupils dilate in response to images with larger quantities of dots, indicating sensing numbers is an… Continue reading Pupil size found to vary based on number of objects you’re looking at

Lab-grown mini brains develop basic eyes that can “see”

Researchers have made a striking breakthrough in lab-grown mini organs. Using induced pluriopotent stem cells (iPSCs), the team induced brain organoids to develop rudimentary eye structures that can sense light and send signals to the rest of the brain… Continue reading Lab-grown mini brains develop basic eyes that can “see”

Breakthrough optogenetic therapy partially restores blind man’s vision

In a major breakthrough for regenerative medicine, scientists have partially restored vision in a blind man using an emerging technique called optogenetics. The approach involved injecting the patient’s eye with genes that code for light-sensitive prot… Continue reading Breakthrough optogenetic therapy partially restores blind man’s vision

Seven surprising ways exercise can boost human health

We all know exercise is good for us, but science continues to reveal new benefits to getting moving

If you are partaking in regular bouts of exercise, you can expect to experience a range of benefits, like the burning of excess fat, lower risk of heart trouble and a healthier state of mind. Recently, however, scientific studies have started to shine a light on how regular physical activity can benefit human health in more subtle ways, some of which you might not expect. Let’s take a look at some interesting examples.

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“Ice cube tray” retinal patch is loaded with cells to restore vision

One of the main causes of vision loss in adults is deteriorative disorders of the retina, like macular degeneration, that are characterized by the death of the eye’s photoreceptor cells. Scientists are therefore focusing a lot of attention on coming up… Continue reading “Ice cube tray” retinal patch is loaded with cells to restore vision

Yale study suggests worms can “see” color even without eyes

Yale researchers have found evidence that a worm species can detect the color blue – even though it doesn’t have eyes, or any kind of visual system that it should, by all accounts, require. In tests, the team found that the color of harmful bacteria in… Continue reading Yale study suggests worms can “see” color even without eyes

Ultraviolet TV could provide a better understanding of animals’ vision

Unlike us, many animals can see ultraviolet light. If you’re using a video screen to study their visual perception, therefore, that screen really ought to work in the UV spectrum – and a new one does exactly that.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: … Continue reading Ultraviolet TV could provide a better understanding of animals’ vision

Remyelinating drug could help restore lost vision in MS patients

One common symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS) is vision impairment, and it can progress to blindness in some cases. Now, researchers at the University of California, Riverside (UCR) report a drug that was able to reverse that vision loss in mice.Contin… Continue reading Remyelinating drug could help restore lost vision in MS patients

Vision changes could predict cognitive decline in Parkinson’s patients

Researchers suggest eye tests could be a way to effectively predict which Parkinson's disease patients are likely to develop dementia

A pair of newly published studies from scientists at University College London are offering novel insights into how the neurodegeneration associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) leads to cognitive decline. The research suggests minor vision problems can precede cognitive decline by up to 18 months.

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Vision changes could predict cognitive decline in Parkinson’s patients

Researchers suggest eye tests could be a way to effectively predict which Parkinson's disease patients are likely to develop dementia

A pair of newly published studies from scientists at University College London are offering novel insights into how the neurodegeneration associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD) leads to cognitive decline. The research suggests minor vision problems can precede cognitive decline by up to 18 months.

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