New light shed on link between Alzheimer’s and liver disease

Research shows how a protein, linked to fatty liver disease, can disrupt the blood-brain barrier and trigger neuroinflammation leading to neurodegenerative disease

New research from the University of South Carolina is uncovering exactly how non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) influences the neurological conditions associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The study describes how a certain protein produced in the liver can travel to the brain and trigger neuroinflammation.

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Immune cell transplant reverses effects of aging in mice

One of the many deteriorative effects of aging in humans is a decline in immune system function, which invites a whole host of other risks including vulnerability to infectious diseases. Scientists may have uncovered a way to reverse this trend, using … Continue reading Immune cell transplant reverses effects of aging in mice

Yale study solves mystery of how stress triggers inflammation

A new Yale University-led study has solved a long-standing mystery of how acute stress seems to amplify inflammatory disease despite the fact many stress hormones actually suppress the immune system. The research reveals a particular immune cell is rel… Continue reading Yale study solves mystery of how stress triggers inflammation

Yale study solves mystery of how stress triggers inflammation

A new Yale University-led study has solved a long-standing mystery of how acute stress seems to amplify inflammatory disease despite the fact many stress hormones actually suppress the immune system. The research reveals a particular immune cell is rel… Continue reading Yale study solves mystery of how stress triggers inflammation

IBD and obesity affirmed as serious dementia risk factors

Two new studies only confirm associations between IBD and obesity and dementia, and do not provide evidence to suggest a direct causal link

Two new studies are offering strong evidence that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and obesity are serious risk factors for developing dementia in later life. The studies are observational, and cannot determine casualty, but they both build on prior research reaching similar conclusions.

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How suppressing the immune system can save lives in severe COVID-19 cases

An Oxford University-led trial testing a commonly available immunosuppressive drug on COVID-19 patients has found the cheap steroid significantly reduces deaths when administered to severely sick patients in intensive care. The treatment, described as … Continue reading How suppressing the immune system can save lives in severe COVID-19 cases

New study demonstrates how oral bacteria can amplify gut inflammation

Building on the growing link between poor oral health and gastrointestinal disease, new research from the University of Michigan has homed in on the possible mechanisms by which periodontitis can exacerbate the gut inflammation seen in patients with in… Continue reading New study demonstrates how oral bacteria can amplify gut inflammation

How tumor cells use inflammation to hide from cancer-killing viruses

One of the many ways scientists hope to improve our odds against cancer is through the use of viruses that selectively infect and kill tumor cells. Known as oncolytic virus therapy, the technique has shown both great promise and also some real limitati… Continue reading How tumor cells use inflammation to hide from cancer-killing viruses

Old alcoholism drug shows potential as new anti-obesity treatment

New research from an international team of scientists has found an old drug, used for over half a century to treat alcoholism, could be repurposed as a useful anti-obesity medication. The animal study saw the drug prevent obesity and improve metabolic … Continue reading Old alcoholism drug shows potential as new anti-obesity treatment