World’s biggest study reveals mammal evolution, and one very famous dog

A groundbreaking project has seen hundreds of scientists across the world uncover many mysteries of the evolution of mammals, work that may help us understand why humans are unique and what specific genetic changes hold the key to disease.Continue Read… Continue reading World’s biggest study reveals mammal evolution, and one very famous dog

DNA typewriter encodes full sentences into living cells

Forget invisible ink – in the future spies could be sending secret messages encoded directly into the DNA of living cells. Researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) have demonstrated a “DNA Typewriter” by encoding full sentences into DN… Continue reading DNA typewriter encodes full sentences into living cells

Mouse study suggests daytime-only eating when dieting can slow aging

What we eat and when we eat it are important lifestyle factors that shape our wellbeing, and scientists continue to unearth valuable insights into exactly what habits can bring the most benefits to our health. New research has probed this question thro… Continue reading Mouse study suggests daytime-only eating when dieting can slow aging

Significant new cell discovery predicts rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups

Researchers looking for blood-based biomarkers that could predict rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups have unexpectedly discovered a never-before-seen type of cell. Dubbed PRIME cells, they were seen to accumulate in the bloodstream seven days before a flar… Continue reading Significant new cell discovery predicts rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups

New research shows how specific odors can turn fat storage on or off

Olfactory signals can switch fat storage mechanisms on and off without having any effect on appetite or eating habits, says a Baylor research team that’s traced the way olfactory nerves regulate fat metabolism in C. elegans worms.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading New research shows how specific odors can turn fat storage on or off

DNA microscopy offers a new way to image molecules

A completely new category of microscopy has been invented by researchers in the US. Dubbed DNA microscopy, the technique tags RNA molecules with a range of DNA “barcodes” which in turn flag the identity and location of the molecules, even whe… Continue reading DNA microscopy offers a new way to image molecules