Asthma breakthrough uncovers key mechanism behind airway thickening

New research from the La Jolla Institute for Immunology has brought a novel, long-term treatment for severe asthma a step closer. Building on a decade of work, the new findings present a potential way to block the thickening of airway muscle tissue see… Continue reading Asthma breakthrough uncovers key mechanism behind airway thickening

AI detects Parkinson’s disease by tracking your breathing patterns

New research presented a small device that uses radio signals to track breathing patterns while a person sleeps

A compelling new study indicates Parkinson’s disease (PD) could be diagnosed by remotely tracking a person’s breathing patterns. Led by researchers from MIT, the study presents an AI system that uses radio waves to monitor breathing while a person sleeps.

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New treatment for a root cause of asthma proves promising in mice tests

Asthma is an incredibly common disease that’s usually managed by treating the symptoms. But new research shows a potential way to target a root cause of the disease, with a molecule preventing structural changes in the airways of asthmatic mice and all… Continue reading New treatment for a root cause of asthma proves promising in mice tests

5-minute breathing exercises found to boost tolerance for the treadmill

Scientists studying the health benefits of a form of high-resistance breathing training have published new research demonstrating how it can increase our capacity for exercise. The technique was also shown to improve certain aspects of metabolism when … Continue reading 5-minute breathing exercises found to boost tolerance for the treadmill

“Breathing” cushion shown to reduce anxiety when hugged

When experiencing anxiety, many people may feel the need to hug a squishy object such as a cushion. According to a new study, the act of doing so could actually help reduce feelings of anxiety – especially if the cushion “breathes.”Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading “Breathing” cushion shown to reduce anxiety when hugged

OmniFiber garments record and play back wearers’ breathing patterns

Imagine if you were an amateur singer or athlete in training, and you were able to “feel” the manner in which a professional breathes while they’re performing. That’s just one of the potential uses of a new “smart” fiber, which could also have medical … Continue reading OmniFiber garments record and play back wearers’ breathing patterns

5-minute breathing workout matches vascular benefits of exercise

Strength training is a well-established way to boost the capabilities of the body’s many muscle groups, and the same may well be true of those that facilitate breathing. A new study has provided the strongest evidence yet that a daily practice designed… Continue reading 5-minute breathing workout matches vascular benefits of exercise

Emergency oxygen enemas could help us “breathe” through our intestines

Scientists have made the surprising discovery that some mammals can absorb oxygen through their intestines. The team experimented by administering oxygen enemas in a gas or liquid form to mice, rats and pigs, and found that they could survive much long… Continue reading Emergency oxygen enemas could help us “breathe” through our intestines

Study confirms that nose bubbles allow anoles to breathe underwater

The anole lizard may be a popular pet, but here’s something that not many people may know: some of the things can breathe while underwater. A new study has confirmed their ability to do so, and explains what makes it possible.Continue ReadingCategory: … Continue reading Study confirms that nose bubbles allow anoles to breathe underwater

Circuit Sculpture Breathes Life into Discrete Components

We’ve probably all given a lot of thought to breathing this year in various contexts. Though breathing is something we all must do, this simple act has become quite the troublemaker in 2020. They say the best art imitates life, and [bornach]’s Astable Exhalation certainly does that, right down to …read more

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