Stress and high effort/low reward work doubles men’s heart disease risk

A study of white-collar workers has found that men who experience work stress coupled with a job that requires high effort for low reward are at double the risk of developing heart disease, having a similar impact on heart health as obesity.Continue Re… Continue reading Stress and high effort/low reward work doubles men’s heart disease risk

Study finds 68 new genes linked to cardiovascular disease risks

A high resting heart rate, which is generally considered anything above 100 beats per minute (bpm), has been linked to an elevated risk of serious cardiovascular conditions such coronary artery disease and stroke. And while the cause of a high resting … Continue reading Study finds 68 new genes linked to cardiovascular disease risks

Study highlights wide-ranging health benefits of using CPAP machines

They can be challenging devices to wear, but new research shows CPAP machines address more than just sleep apnea

While effective in treating sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are not the easiest to adapt to, which is why around 50% of those with sleep apnea give up on the life-saving devices. But there’s some good news for those who stick with it, with health benefits stretching further than treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and its associated elevated risks of heart disease and stroke. Recent research has also linked OSA with a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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Herbs and spices facilitate fat removal thanks to taste trick

It’s a law of nature almost akin to gravity itself: food that tastes good is usually bad for us. But new research shows that a simple preparation trick can dramatically slash fat, sodium and added sugars while making foods like brownies and meatloaf ta… Continue reading Herbs and spices facilitate fat removal thanks to taste trick

Eye scan may detect Parkinson’s up to 7 years before it’s diagnosed

Retina scans may be able to reveal more than just the state of your vision

For the first time, scientists have identified a marker in the retina that may lead to the development of Parkinson’s disease, and it may be detected years prior to diagnosis.

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30-second mouth rinse a quick, easy way to detect heart disease risk

A new study has found that measuring the levels of white blood cells in your saliva through a quick and easy 30-second mouth rinse is an effective way of detecting the warning signs of heart disease early, especially in young, otherwise healthy people…. Continue reading 30-second mouth rinse a quick, easy way to detect heart disease risk

Red blood cell find could lead to treatment for arterial fat deposits

Researchers have discovered the way that red blood cell particles interact with white blood cells called macrophages to reduce inflammation and the formation of fatty deposits on arterial walls. They say their findings offer a potential treatment for t… Continue reading Red blood cell find could lead to treatment for arterial fat deposits

Injectable omega-3 halts progression of dangerous arterial plaques

Researchers have developed an injectable form of DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, that is effective in halting the progression of the arterial fatty plaques that can lead to heart attack and stroke. The novel treatment may one day be used to treat heart dis… Continue reading Injectable omega-3 halts progression of dangerous arterial plaques

Researchers call for a change in treating sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is estimated to affect 30 million Americans, comparable to diabetes, but it can be incredibly difficult to treat, even more so given that devices used to alleviate it are abandoned by nearly half of those diagnosed. It’s also recently been … Continue reading Researchers call for a change in treating sleep apnea