Anti-inflammatory brain cells activated by signals from gut bacteria

New research published in the journal Nature is describing the discovery of a novel subset of brain cell with the capacity to prevent neuroinflammation. This anti-inflammatory activity is modulated by molecules induced by gut bacteria, revealing an exc… Continue reading Anti-inflammatory brain cells activated by signals from gut bacteria

Exercise drives muscles to fight chronic inflammation on their own

Inflammation in the human body is a complex physiological response to a complex range of triggers, and scientists have just uncovered some useful new details about how it works by experimenting with muscles grown in the lab. By simulating the effects o… Continue reading Exercise drives muscles to fight chronic inflammation on their own

Breakthrough study finds age-related cognitive decline may be reversible

A breakthrough study from a team of neurologists at Stanford University claims to have discovered one way immune cells become dysfunctional as we age, leading to the inflammatory hyperdrive that plays a role in most age-related disease from cancer to c… Continue reading Breakthrough study finds age-related cognitive decline may be reversible

Breakthrough study finds age-related cognitive decline may be reversible

A breakthrough study from a team of neurologists at Stanford University claims to have discovered one way immune cells become dysfunctional as we age, leading to the inflammatory hyperdrive that plays a role in most age-related disease from cancer to c… Continue reading Breakthrough study finds age-related cognitive decline may be reversible

COVID-19 severity linked to gut bacteria in first-of-its-kind study

A first-of-its-kind study has investigated the relationship between COVID-19 severity and the gut microbiome. The observational research suggests specific microbial patterns correlate with disease severity and those bacterial imbalances may account for… Continue reading COVID-19 severity linked to gut bacteria in first-of-its-kind study

Chronic gut inflammation triggered by e-cigarette use

New research is suggesting e-cigarette vapor alone, free of nicotine or flavoring, can potentially trigger gut inflammation. Across a series of experiments the study demonstrated how e-cigarette vapor can weaken the gut’s lining and lead to chronic inf… Continue reading Chronic gut inflammation triggered by e-cigarette use

“Triple punch” immunotherapy puts Crohn’s disease into remission in mice

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel condition, and one suspected cause is the immune system launching an overly-strong response to gut microbes. Now researchers have developed a new kind of immunotherapy for Crohn’s that delivers a “triple punch” … Continue reading “Triple punch” immunotherapy puts Crohn’s disease into remission in mice

New particle discovered in the bloodstream of patients with sepsis

A brand new type of particle has been discovered in the human bloodstream. The sausage-shaped structures were first found by researchers at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) in mice with sepsis, and they appear to be related to inflammatory disea… Continue reading New particle discovered in the bloodstream of patients with sepsis

Regenerative drug summons stem cells for inflammation-free healing

Researchers have developed a drug that can mimic inflammation signals to lure stem cells to damaged tissue, without causing any further inflammation. The technique could be a boon for regenerative medicine to treat neurological disorders.Continue Readi… Continue reading Regenerative drug summons stem cells for inflammation-free healing

How behavior-changing parasites inspire new mental health treatments

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by a common parasitic infection. Although it is suspected hundreds of millions of people around the world may be infected with the parasite, only a small volume display symptoms and go on to develop disease.Continue Re… Continue reading How behavior-changing parasites inspire new mental health treatments