Interstellar winter: Did galactic clouds cause an ice age on Earth?

Earth’s weather changes based on where it is in its annual cycle around the Sun – but is it possible the climate can also be affected by the solar system’s position in its orbit around the center of the Milky Way? A new study suggests an ice age period… Continue reading Interstellar winter: Did galactic clouds cause an ice age on Earth?

MRI ‘signature’ may reveal dementia 5-to-10 years before symptoms appear

Comparing the brain MRIs of people with and without dementia, researchers have identified an accurate ‘signature’ that may signal a person’s risk of developing the disease five to 10 years before symptoms appear. The novel biomarker could provide an ea… Continue reading MRI ‘signature’ may reveal dementia 5-to-10 years before symptoms appear

Assistive “anti-freeze” exoskeleton keeps Parkinson’s patients walking

A prototype of the planned commercial version of the gait-freeze-eliminating exoskeleton

People with Parkinson’s disease frequently develop a problem known as “gait freeze,” in which their legs simply stop stepping forward as they’re walking. A new powered exoskeleton, however, has proven to be very effective at keeping such individuals’ legs going.

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Inflatable-tip catheter is pumped for less invasive heart surgery

As a less invasive alternative to open-heart surgery, cardiac surgeons are increasingly accessing the heart from within using central venous catheters. An experimental new catheter could soon make such procedures quicker and easier than ever before.Con… Continue reading Inflatable-tip catheter is pumped for less invasive heart surgery

Smart pill uses luminescing bacteria to diagnose gut problems

Not only are colonoscopies invasive and uncomfortable, they may also miss gut-problem-related biomarkers that are only present in the body for a short time. A new “smart pill” is designed to address such shortcomings, utilizing live light-up bacteria.C… Continue reading Smart pill uses luminescing bacteria to diagnose gut problems

Machine learning tool may diagnose Parkinson’s years before symptoms appear

New research has used a specially-designed machine learning algorithm to identify unique combinations of metabolites that may be able to detect Parkinson’s disease early

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is growing more rapidly than any other neurological disease, which makes its early detection so important. Researchers have developed a new machine-learning tool that shows promise as a way of detecting the disease early.

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miniPUMP heart-on-a-chip pumps liquid using real human heart cells

When conducting cardiac research, it would be ideal if experiments could be performed on actual living human hearts. Scientists have developed what may be the next-best thing, in the form of a tiny mechanical heart powered by real cardiac cells.Continu… Continue reading miniPUMP heart-on-a-chip pumps liquid using real human heart cells

Soft exosuit improves walking speed and endurance for stroke survivors

In 2017, researchers from Harvard’s Wyss Institute, the John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science and Boston University demonstrated a soft robotic exosuit designed to help stroke patients improve their mobility. Now an untethered versi… Continue reading Soft exosuit improves walking speed and endurance for stroke survivors

Bluetooth Flaws Could Allow Global Tracking of Apple, Windows 10 Devices

Identifying tokens and random addresses, meant to create anonymity, do not change in sync on some devices — opening an attack vector. Continue reading Bluetooth Flaws Could Allow Global Tracking of Apple, Windows 10 Devices