Study says that for growing sweeter strawberries, don’t use fungicides

You may have noticed that strawberries grown in your garden, or at organic farms, tend to be tastier than the regular supermarket variety. According to a new study, the use of commercial fungicides may be to blame.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags:… Continue reading Study says that for growing sweeter strawberries, don’t use fungicides

Andes microbial tech uses farmers’ fields to capture greenhouse gases

While crop plants do sequester some atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) via photosynthesis, they could always use a bit of help. California-based startup Andes is aiming to provide that help, by putting carbon-capturing microbes in the soil of farmers’ fi… Continue reading Andes microbial tech uses farmers’ fields to capture greenhouse gases

Plant discovery could lead to wider use of bee-friendly pesticides

It’s a sad fact that even though bees are essential to pollinating crops, they’re also harmed by the pesticides used on those very same plants. Thanks to a new discovery, however, a bee-friendly pesticide could soon be cheaper and easier to produce.Con… Continue reading Plant discovery could lead to wider use of bee-friendly pesticides

Study shows how mixed-grain crops can thrive where others falter

When most people think of a grain crop, they picture a field full of one type of plant. A new study, however, indicates that crops made up of mixed grains are both more resilient and higher-yielding than their conventional counterparts.Continue Reading… Continue reading Study shows how mixed-grain crops can thrive where others falter

SentiV robot inspects crops by rolling its way through fields

When we think of agricultural robots, we tend to picture things that pick produce or apply chemicals. The SentiV is different, though, in that it’s designed to check crops for problems while autonomously wandering the fields.Continue ReadingCategory: R… Continue reading SentiV robot inspects crops by rolling its way through fields

SentiV robot inspects crops by rolling its way through fields

When we think of agricultural robots, we tend to picture things that pick produce or apply chemicals. The SentiV is different, though, in that it’s designed to check crops for problems while autonomously wandering the fields.Continue ReadingCategory: R… Continue reading SentiV robot inspects crops by rolling its way through fields

Pepper-picking robot moves through crops on overhead wires

According to Japanese robotics firm Agrist, there’s a shortage of farm workers in that country, resulting in lower yields than would otherwise be possible. The company is offering a partial solution to the problem, though, in the form of a pepper-picki… Continue reading Pepper-picking robot moves through crops on overhead wires

Herbicide GUSS autonomously – and judiciously – sprays orchards

If fruit is going to be grown using herbicides – which is still largely the case – then the fewer of the chemicals that are used, the better. The Herbicide GUSS autonomous robotic spray vehicle was designed with just such concerns in mind.Continue Read… Continue reading Herbicide GUSS autonomously – and judiciously – sprays orchards

“Superpopcorn” packs almost twice the amount of an essential nutrient

Although plain unbuttered popcorn is a relatively healthy snack, it’s still not one that most people would think of as being particularly nutritious. That could change, however, as a new variety reportedly offers nearly twice the normal levels of an im… Continue reading “Superpopcorn” packs almost twice the amount of an essential nutrient

For more robust, disease-resistant crops … just add liquid smoke?

It would certainly be logical to think that plants don’t do well when exposed to forest fire smoke. New research, however, suggests that certain crops get hardier and more disease-resistant when liquid smoke is added to the soil.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading For more robust, disease-resistant crops … just add liquid smoke?