“Superpopcorn” packs almost twice the amount of an essential nutrient

Although plain unbuttered popcorn is a relatively healthy snack, it’s still not one that most people would think of as being particularly nutritious. That could change, however, as a new variety reportedly offers nearly twice the normal levels of an im… Continue reading “Superpopcorn” packs almost twice the amount of an essential nutrient

For more robust, disease-resistant crops … just add liquid smoke?

It would certainly be logical to think that plants don’t do well when exposed to forest fire smoke. New research, however, suggests that certain crops get hardier and more disease-resistant when liquid smoke is added to the soil.Continue ReadingCategor… Continue reading For more robust, disease-resistant crops … just add liquid smoke?

Weed-killing plant-based foam shown to be as effective as herbicides

It’s no secret that herbicides can be harmful to the environment, plus they’re costly, and weeds may develop a resistance to them. New research now suggests that farmers could get the same weed-killing results from a hot biodegradable foam.Continue Rea… Continue reading Weed-killing plant-based foam shown to be as effective as herbicides

Solix Sprayer agricultural robot autonomously seeks and destroys weeds

Along with being costly, herbicides can also harm the environment … so why apply them to a whole crop, instead of just the areas where weeds are growing? That’s the thinking behind the Solix Sprayer robot, which spots and sprays weeds in farmers’ field… Continue reading Solix Sprayer agricultural robot autonomously seeks and destroys weeds

Artificial photosynthesis lets plants grow efficiently in total darkness

Scientists have improved on the natural process of photosynthesis, not only growing plants more efficiently, but doing so in the dark. This could expand agriculture to areas that don’t get enough sunlight, and even help feed future space explorers.Cont… Continue reading Artificial photosynthesis lets plants grow efficiently in total darkness

Crop-monitoring Solix agri-bot headed for field trials

Farmers could be spared a lot of work and expense – plus the environment could be spared a lot of harmful chemicals – if crops didn’t have to be sprayed indiscriminately. The new plant-inspecting Solix robot was designed with those facts in mind.Contin… Continue reading Crop-monitoring Solix agri-bot headed for field trials

Autonomous drones show promise for shooing birds away from crops

Birds regularly eat large quantities of crops, and often become accustomed to stationary devices designed to scare them away. That’s why scientists are now looking at using autonomous drones to do the job.Continue ReadingCategory: Drones, TechnologyTag… Continue reading Autonomous drones show promise for shooing birds away from crops

Mobile system treats crop seeds using electrons instead of fungicides

Because seeds may contain yield-reducing fungi, bacteria or viruses, they’re often chemically treated before they’re sold to farmers. A new mobile system, however, substitutes microbe-killing electrons for harsh and eco-unfriendly chemicals.Continue Re… Continue reading Mobile system treats crop seeds using electrons instead of fungicides

Breakthrough CRISPR-Combo edits some genes and activates others

CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology is one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of recent decades, but there’s always room for improvement. Researchers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have developed a system they call CRISPR-Combo, which … Continue reading Breakthrough CRISPR-Combo edits some genes and activates others

CRISPR tomatoes genetically engineered to be richer in vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a growing health issue, but very few foods are rich in the nutrient. To help combat the problem, scientists have now used CRISPR gene editing to fortify tomatoes with vitamin D.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Plants, Food… Continue reading CRISPR tomatoes genetically engineered to be richer in vitamin D