Student-designed robot gives crop-eating insects’ eggs the brush-off

The spotted lanternfly is a serious invasive pest in some parts of the US, causing considerable damage to crops such as apples, grapes and hops. That’s why it’s important to destroy the insect’s eggs – which is exactly what the TartanPest robot is desi… Continue reading Student-designed robot gives crop-eating insects’ eggs the brush-off

Student-designed robot gives crop-eating insects’ eggs the brush-off

The spotted lanternfly is a serious invasive pest in some parts of the US, causing considerable damage to crops such as apples, grapes and hops. That’s why it’s important to destroy the insect’s eggs – which is exactly what the TartanPest robot is desi… Continue reading Student-designed robot gives crop-eating insects’ eggs the brush-off

To stop mice from eating seeds … make everything smell like seeds?

By digging up and eating sown wheat seeds, mice can have a huge impact on farmers’ crops. In an eco-friendly effort to stop the rodents from doing so, scientists are now using wheat germ oil to make entire fields smell appetizing.Continue ReadingCatego… Continue reading To stop mice from eating seeds … make everything smell like seeds?

Genetically modified bananas out to stop Cavendish catastrophe

It’s been more than 50 years since the lethal soil-borne Fusarium fungal species all but wiped out the dominant Gros Michel banana across the globe. Now, though, the tropical race 4 (TR4) strain of the fungus threatens to repeat history, potentially ki… Continue reading Genetically modified bananas out to stop Cavendish catastrophe

Smoke Some Weeds: Lasers Could Make Herbicide Obsolete

We’ve all tangled with unwelcome plant life at one point or another. Whether crabgrass infested your lawn, or you were put on weeding duty in your grandfather’s rose patch, you’ll …read more Continue reading Smoke Some Weeds: Lasers Could Make Herbicide Obsolete

Silk-microparticle dots could help thwart seed counterfeiters

Just like pharmaceuticals, banknotes and alcoholic beverages, the crop seeds sold to farmers are frequently counterfeits. MIT scientists have devised a method of spotting the fakes, by tagging genuine seeds with silk dots.Continue ReadingCategory: Good… Continue reading Silk-microparticle dots could help thwart seed counterfeiters

Tractor-towed Vulcan automatically spots and pulls weeds

Nobody likes the idea of herbicides in their veggies, yet hiring workers to pick weeds by hand can be prohibitively expensive for farmers. The Vulcan farm implement offers an alternative, as it automatically spots and yanks out weeds while leaving crop… Continue reading Tractor-towed Vulcan automatically spots and pulls weeds

High-tech soil sensor designed to help farmers conserve precious water

Soil moisture sensors can help farmers save water, by letting them know when their crops actually need to be watered. An experimental new sensor could be particularly helpful, as it incorporates a special material which makes it highly sensitive to moi… Continue reading High-tech soil sensor designed to help farmers conserve precious water

Semi-transparent solar cells boost growth of greenhouse plants

Solar farms and conventional agriculture are competing for land, and that conflict will likely only get worse as our need for both grows. Scientists at UCLA have now tested a way to combine the two by placing semi-transparent solar cells on the glass r… Continue reading Semi-transparent solar cells boost growth of greenhouse plants

Robotic system checks on corn plants by measuring leaf angles

In order to see how well a corn plant is performing photosynthesis, you need to check the angle of its leaves relative to its stem. And while scientists ordinarily have to do so manually with a protractor, a new robotic system can now do the job much m… Continue reading Robotic system checks on corn plants by measuring leaf angles