Move over, mammoths: De-extinction scientists to target thylacine next

Last year, genetic engineering company Colossal Biosciences unveiled its grand plans to resurrect the woolly mammoth, and now the team has revealed the second species on its de-extinction list – Australia’s lost thylacine. Partnering with a University … Continue reading Move over, mammoths: De-extinction scientists to target thylacine next

New CRISPR tool corrects mutations by copying genes between chromosomes

Researchers at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) have demonstrated an intriguing new variation on the CRISPR gene-editing system, which involves fixing a mutation on one chromosome by copying a healthy version from the other. “Nicking” the … Continue reading New CRISPR tool corrects mutations by copying genes between chromosomes

New gene editing tool reduces errors by nicking DNA not cutting

As important as the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool has been, it has a relatively high error rate, which can introduce potentially harmful mutations. Researchers in Germany have now developed a more refined tool that reduces errors by nicking DNA instead… Continue reading New gene editing tool reduces errors by nicking DNA not cutting

America’s first CRISPR trial is still nearly 100% effective 3 years on

Incredible new data presented recently at the European Hematology Association Congress has revealed an experimental CRISPR gene editing therapy is both safe and effective up to three years after treatment. The follow-up results come from one of the lon… Continue reading America’s first CRISPR trial is still nearly 100% effective 3 years on

Breakthrough CRISPR-Combo edits some genes and activates others

CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology is one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of recent decades, but there’s always room for improvement. Researchers at the University of Maryland (UMD) have developed a system they call CRISPR-Combo, which … Continue reading Breakthrough CRISPR-Combo edits some genes and activates others

CRISPR tomatoes genetically engineered to be richer in vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is a growing health issue, but very few foods are rich in the nutrient. To help combat the problem, scientists have now used CRISPR gene editing to fortify tomatoes with vitamin D.Continue ReadingCategory: ScienceTags: Plants, Food… Continue reading CRISPR tomatoes genetically engineered to be richer in vitamin D

CRISPR-edited hamsters exhibit unexpected social behavior changes

Researchers experimenting with genetically engineered hamsters have found that the biology behind social behavior may be more complex than we thought. The team used CRISPR to block a certain neurochemical signaling pathway, and found that the animals’ … Continue reading CRISPR-edited hamsters exhibit unexpected social behavior changes

“Factory reset” for the brain rewrites risk of anxiety and alcohol abuse

An intriguing new study has zeroed in on a brain region that is central to the development of both alcohol abuse and anxiety in adults, and demonstrated how gene editing could be used to wipe clean a person’s predisposition to both disorders. Likened t… Continue reading “Factory reset” for the brain rewrites risk of anxiety and alcohol abuse

InBio makes strong progress toward CRISPR-edited hypoallergenic cats

People like cats. Up to 15 percent of the population are allergic to them, however, largely thank to a particular allergen called Fel d 1, which is produced by your kitty’s salivary, sebaceous, perianal and lachrymal glands. Natural Fel d 1 production … Continue reading InBio makes strong progress toward CRISPR-edited hypoallergenic cats

Protein tweak makes CRISPR gene editing 4,000 times less error-prone

The CRISPR gene-editing system is a powerful tool that could revolutionize medicine and other sciences, but unfortunately it has a tendency to make edits to the wrong sections of DNA. Now, researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have identifie… Continue reading Protein tweak makes CRISPR gene editing 4,000 times less error-prone