How to solve the cat on the computer problem (maybe)

UPDATE: The Desk Nest Cat Bed is in its final 36 hours on Kickstarter. With 37 hours to go, it had already raised $417,000 from 3,443 backers against a goal of $10,000 so it will be produced and it does solve one of humankind’s most important problems…. Continue reading How to solve the cat on the computer problem (maybe)

Cancer vaccine for dogs almost doubles survival rates in clinical trial

The biggest tragedy of pet ownership is that they just don’t live long enough. Thankfully scientists are working on that, with a new cancer vaccine for dogs that almost doubles their survival rates in the face of certain types of the disease.Continue R… Continue reading Cancer vaccine for dogs almost doubles survival rates in clinical trial

Microneedle patches could soon be used to tattoo our pets

While it’s important for your dog or cat to have a form of ID in case they get lost, tags can fall off, and microchips can migrate out of place. Japanese scientists are developing an alternative, in the form of quick and painless tattoos.Continue Readi… Continue reading Microneedle patches could soon be used to tattoo our pets

Pets may slow age-related cognitive decline in those living alone

A study has found an association between pet ownership by older adults living alone and slower cognitive decline

A new study has found that, for older adults living alone, owning a pet was linked to slower rates of decline in some aspects of cognition and may completely offset the association between living alone, a recognized dementia risk, and cognitive decline.

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Contraceptive gene therapy injections in cats replaces surgical spaying

Getting your cat spayed is a normal part of pet ownership, but it can be expensive, invasive and not very practical on strays. Now scientists have developed and tested a new method that renders female cats permanently sterile with a single gene therapy… Continue reading Contraceptive gene therapy injections in cats replaces surgical spaying