Discovery of pre-labor biomarkers that predict birth weeks in advance

Impressive new research led by a team from the Stanford University School of Medicine has discovered a set of biomarkers that can predict when a pregnant woman will go into labor several weeks in advance. It’s hoped the breakthrough findings can be tra… Continue reading Discovery of pre-labor biomarkers that predict birth weeks in advance

Analysis of baby’s first poo reveals link with future allergy risk

Canadian researchers are reporting allergies that develop in a baby’s initial year of life could be predicted by analyzing their first poo after birth. The study claims one’s microbial make-up at birth can play a major role in early immune development…. Continue reading Analysis of baby’s first poo reveals link with future allergy risk

Pulsating bed could prevent brain damage in premature babies

When a baby is born premature, it’s vitally important that the infant’s still-developing brain receive enough oxygen. A new medical device could help, by mimicking the heartbeat and breathing of a parent.Continue ReadingCategory: Health & Wellbeing… Continue reading Pulsating bed could prevent brain damage in premature babies

Forehead-worn device could improve jaundice treatment for babies

According to Japan’s Yokohama National University, jaundice occurs in 60 to 80 percent of all newborn babies, and can result in brain damage or even death if left unchecked. That’s why they’ve developed a new wearable device to help in its treatment.Co… Continue reading Forehead-worn device could improve jaundice treatment for babies

Biomarkers in fathers’ sperm linked to autism risk in children

A novel proof-of-concept study is suggesting epigenetic biomarkers in a father’s sperm can potentially predict how susceptible their offspring will be to developing autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The research is still in preliminary stages so requires… Continue reading Biomarkers in fathers’ sperm linked to autism risk in children

New evidence links vitamin D and testosterone to autism risk in boys

New findings from a team of Australian scientists suggest increased exposure to testosterone during pregnancy, triggered by a vitamin D deficiency, may be one of the causal factors explaining why autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is more common in boys.Co… Continue reading New evidence links vitamin D and testosterone to autism risk in boys

Novel imaging technology offers new way to study baby brain activity

A team of UK scientists and engineers has demonstrated a novel technology for imaging the brains of infants and babies. The breakthrough is hoped to allow researchers new ways to investigate baby brain activity in natural environments without the need … Continue reading Novel imaging technology offers new way to study baby brain activity

Trial finds introducing gluten into diet early may prevent celiac disease

The researchers say it is too soon to offer dietary recommendations to new parents, but instead call for large trials to establish clear evidence

The results of a long-term clinical trial have found carefully introducing gluten into an infant’s diet from the age of four months could reduce their risk of developing celiac disease. The trial only offers preliminary evidence of this association, and the researchers stress larger trials are necessary before any broader dietary recommendations are suggested.

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Fetal oxygen monitor could reduce the rate of unnecessary C-sections

Many readers are likely already familiar with the oximeters that measure blood oxygen levels via the patient’s finger. Well, scientists have now developed a device that works on the same principle, but it can be non-invasively used on unborn fetuses.Co… Continue reading Fetal oxygen monitor could reduce the rate of unnecessary C-sections