Trial drug shown to significantly slow early Alzheimer’s decline

The drug donanemab, which destroys the amyloid beta plaques that cause Alzheimer's disease, was the subject of a Phase 3 clinical trial

A Phase 3 clinical trial of the drug donanemab has shown it can significantly slow cognitive and functional decline in people with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease, compared with existing treatments.

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High-tech earbud may detect Alzheimer’s far earlier than ever before

The ear-EEG could detect Alzheimer's- or Parkinson's-related sleep patterns up to 15 years before more obvious symptoms occur

It is believed that long before Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s diseases present more obvious symptoms, the disorders may be noticeable in subtle changes to a person’s sleep patterns. A new project aims to see if such telltale changes could be detected by a small earbud-like device, allowing action to be taken much sooner.

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Alzheimer’s proteins beaten back by sleeping pill in small study

While the sleeping pill known as suvorexant knocked back Alzheimer's markers, the researches are quick to caution that more studies are needed to assess its long-term health effects

Thirty-eight people took part in a study to investigate the effects of a sleep medication on Alzheimer’s-related proteins in their cerebrospinal fluid. The pills showed promise in combating the substances that lead to the harmful tangles and plaques in the brain that contribute to the disease, but larger more comprehensive studies are needed to confirm the results.

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Clear chemical connection between physical activity and brain health

Scientists unlock key chemical mechanisms that link brain health with muscle use

The link between physical activity and brain health is not new, with many studies showing how exercise can boost function, from easing depression to staving off cognitive decline. Now, scientists have shown in cell studies that the connection may be more direct, which opens the door to more targeted physical therapies for brain health and potential treatment of neurodegenerative conditions.

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Protocol predicts Alzheimer’s 10 years in advance with 80% accuracy

The number of people with dementia is set to almost double every 20 years, according to Alzheimer's Disease International

In seeking a safe yet effective way to predict Alzheimer’s disease, researchers found a sugar molecule in the blood of affected patients. When combined with a simple memory test and genetic analysis, the research team was able to predict the onset of the condition up to a decade in advance with a significant degree of accuracy. The protocol could soon join others in helping scientists spot Alzheimer’s in advance of its symptoms and take steps to halt its progression.

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World first reveals brain links between high blood pressure and dementia

Scientists get the clearest picture yet of how high blood pressure can trigger cognitive decline

For some time, scientists have known that high blood pressure is somehow involved in cognitive decline leading to dementia. Backing the evidence are several studies that saw blood pressure and related diabetes medicines help slow the loss of brain function.

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More magnesium may mean better brain health, especially for women

Researchers have found that consuming more magnesium leads to better brain health, especially for women.

Dementia is an incurable, debilitating disease that affects millions of people worldwide. While science continues to look for answers to treat the disease, there has been a shift towards prevention. A study has provided new evidence about the link between magnesium intake and brain health.

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Calcium-control gene offers new avenue for Alzheimer’s disease therapy

Researchers have found the gene Surf4 plays a role in neural degeneration

Nearly six million Americans currently live with Alzheimer’s disease (AD), with the figure set to climb to 13.8 million by 2050. And with promising trials failing close to the finish line, researchers are desperate for any breakthroughs that will lead to halting the devastating neurodegenerative disease.

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Sugar-coated antibodies cross blood-brain barrier to fight Alzheimer’s

The blood-brain barrier is a network of tightly packed tissues and blood vessels meant to keep harmful substances out, but it can interfere with helpful treatments as well

In the quest to combat Alzheimer’s disease, researchers have been hopeful about the use of antibodies to destroy peptides in the brain that cause damaging tangles and plaque buildups. So far though, such treatments have been unsuccessful. Postulating that the issue had to do with the antibodies getting blocked by the blood-brain barrier, scientists have found a way to sneak them into the brains of mice afflicted with the disease, and have seen encouraging results.

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New drug target shows promise in mice as potential Alzheimer’s treatment

Scientists have identified a promising new drug target for Alzheimer's disease

Scientists have developed a new technique that could eventually lead to new potential treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. The team investigated a compound that breaks down a protein associated with the disease, with tests in mice improving symptoms.

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