Study highlights wide-ranging health benefits of using CPAP machines

They can be challenging devices to wear, but new research shows CPAP machines address more than just sleep apnea

While effective in treating sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are not the easiest to adapt to, which is why around 50% of those with sleep apnea give up on the life-saving devices. But there’s some good news for those who stick with it, with health benefits stretching further than treating obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and its associated elevated risks of heart disease and stroke. Recent research has also linked OSA with a greater risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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New molecule slams the brakes on Alzheimer’s disease inflammation

The brains of Alzheimer's model mice treated with A11 (right) showed more tubulin (yellow), a marker of neuronal health, compared to the untreated mice (left)

In an effort to find new treatments to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, scientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have landed on a molecule that can improve memory by putting the brakes on a process that causes brain inflammation.

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Eye scan may detect Parkinson’s up to 7 years before it’s diagnosed

Retina scans may be able to reveal more than just the state of your vision

For the first time, scientists have identified a marker in the retina that may lead to the development of Parkinson’s disease, and it may be detected years prior to diagnosis.

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Intermittent fasting alleviates debilitating Alzheimer’s symptoms

This confocal microscopy image shows amyloid plaques (blue and red) in the brain of a mouse – the accumulation of amyloid plaques is so far the most well-documented biochemical hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease

Six million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, with numbers expected to jump to around 13 million by 2050. This doesn’t take into account the many more millions of loved ones whose lives are also upended by the progressive neurodegenerative disease.

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Routine vaccines reduce Alzheimer’s risk by up to 30% in over 65s

New research found that the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease in people aged 65 and over is significantly reduced if they've received routine vaccinations

New research has found that people aged 65 and over who’ve received routine vaccinations are significantly less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. The study highlights the importance of vaccination not only in protecting against infectious diseases but in providing a degree of protection against dementia.

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Growing evidence linking wildfire air pollution to dementia

It's not news that wildfire smoke is hazardous, but the growing link with age-related dementia is concerning scientists across the globe

It’s well established that any air pollution is likely to be bad for your health, with it claiming some 6.5 million lives around the world each year. But one type of emission is being increasingly linked to age-related dementia, and it’s also surging due to wildfires.

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New link between acid reflux medicines and dementia

One of the many popular brands of PPIs commonly used in the US

Previously linked to a higher risk of stroke and heart attack, popular acid reflux medicines have now been connected to an increased likelihood of developing age-related dementia.

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Good signs for new therapy that promotes healthy aging

Findings pave way for new therapies to prolong quality of life as we age

While aging remains an unavoidable part of life, scientists are getting ever closer to developing therapies that could significantly improve the experience. Following on from earlier studies that saw hydrogen sulfide donor molecule AP39 revive aging cell health, researchers at the University of Exeter have had more promising results out of their animal trials.

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Hydrangea compound inhibits buildup of Alzheimer’s-associated protein

Researchers have found that a substance found in hydrangea leaves may be an effective treatment for Alzheimer's disease

A new study has found that a substance extracted from the leaves of the hydrangea plant could be an effective treatment against the protein plaques that are thought to contribute to the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Espresso delivers smackdown to Alzheimer’s proteins in lab tests

Could this little cup hold a key to fighting Alzheimer's disease?

A nice strong cup of espresso is great for clearing the cobwebs out of the brain first thing in the morning. It might also be good for clearing Alzheimer’s-causing protein tangles away too if lab tests hold up in further research.

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