New trial finds first-ever Alzheimer’s drug to slow cognitive decline

Over 18 months those on lecanemab showed a 27% slower rate of cognitive decline compared to those in the placebo group

Pharmaceutical companies Eisai and Biogen have announced the first results from a Phase 3 human trial testing a drug designed to treat symptoms of dementia associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The drug seems to be successful at slowing cognitive decline, making it the first drug to ever effectively treat Alzheimer’s symptoms. However, experts are cautious in their optimism, suggesting more information is needed to understand exactly how meaningful this treatment will be for patients in the real world.

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Older COVID-19 survivors face increased Alzheimer’s risk, study finds

It is still unclear whether COVID-19 is hastening the progression of pre-existing neurodegeneration or prompting new disease

A new study tracking the health of more than six million older Americans over 2020 and 2021 has found COVID-19 nearly doubles a person’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in the year following infection. The findings add to a growing body of research indicating SARS-CoV-2 infections can affect progression of several neurodegenerative diseases.

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Oxford study finds increased dementia risk 2 years after COVID infection

New research is some of the first to look at the long-term effects of a COVID infection up to two years after the acute illness

New research published in The Lancet Psychiatry has offered the most comprehensive look at the long-term neurological effects of COVID-19 published to date, tracking more than one million people for up to two years. The findings revealed an increased risk of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, following SARS-CoV-2 infection, returns to normal after a few months but increased rates of dementia are still being detected in older adults up to 24 months after the acute disease.

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Study of Alzheimer’s risk gene reveals potentially reversible mechanism

A new study has found that lipid metabolism may be a mechanism for Alzheimer's, and could be reversible

MIT scientists have uncovered a mechanism for how a common genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s contributes to the disease. It centers on lipid metabolism, and early investigations suggest it could eventually lead to new treatments to slow disease progression.

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Brain volume study reveals anti-aging potential of taking the stairs

A new study suggests that even a moderate uptake of physical activity, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can counter volume loss in key brain regions

Although we generally understand exercise to be good fo us in all sorts of ways, scientists continue to make interesting inroads around the specifics of this relationship. The latest comes from a team in Germany which has found that even slight changes to regular physical activity, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can counter the age-related loss of volume in brain regions linked to disease.

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One-two punch from pair of common viruses may trigger Alzheimer’s disease

A new study speculates the chicken pox virus can reactivate a dormant herpes infection, leading to the development of Alzheimer's disease

A fascinating new collaborative study, between researchers at the University of Oxford and Tufts University, has found two common viruses may be working in tandem to trigger the earliest stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The findings build on a growing body of evidence implicating the herpes virus in neurodegenerative disease.

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Music shows promising potential for slowing the progression of dementia

Eight weeks of daily focused music-listening was found to improve connectivity in several brain regions

In 2020 an extraordinary video went viral. It featured Marta Cinta González Saldaña, a former ballet dancer suffering from severe Alzheimer’s disease in her senior years. In the video, Saldaña is played a piece from Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and suddenly she flashes awake and begins moving to a dance routine she presumably rehearsed over and over in her younger days.

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In the future, a fitness wearable could predict early signs of dementia

The study found distinct differences in activity patterns in the afternoons when comparing cognitively healthy older adults to those with Alzheimer's

With the fitness wearable market exploding in popularity, especially among senior citizens keen to track heart health, a team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health wondered whether these devices could be used to detect the earliest signs of dementia. A new study suggests that could be possible after finding distinct differences in daily movement patterns when comparing cognitively healthy older adults and Alzheimer’s patients.

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Discovery of genetic connection between Alzheimer’s and gut disorders

A new study has established a genetic link between Alzheimer's and gut disorders

Research continues to demonstrate the many ways the gut microbiome can influence human health, and an active area within this field centers on its role in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). A new study has furthered our knowledge of this relationship by demonstrating what’s described as a clear genetic link between the two, while also pointing to the potential for new treatments.

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Brain inflammation links sleep disruption and Alzheimer’s

A new study has found inflammatory biomarkers correlated with disruptions to fast sleep spindles, a kind of sleep brain wave activity linked to memory retention

A new study suggests brain inflammation is the key factor linking sleep disturbances with Alzheimer’s disease. It’s hypothesized the same overactive immune cells in the brain that ultimately contribute to cognitive decline can disrupt certain sleep cycles in the earliest stages of neurodegenerative disease.

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