For years I had a simple WiFi password and relied on MAC filtering. Today I found out it’s useless. How do I determine if I have been hacked or not? [closed]

I’ve just realized that MAC filtering is basically useless and can be easily spoofed. But I relied on it for a very long time and thought there was no reason for my password to be strong cause I have MAC filtering enabled.
I’ve generated a… Continue reading For years I had a simple WiFi password and relied on MAC filtering. Today I found out it’s useless. How do I determine if I have been hacked or not? [closed]

Why do I need promiscuous mode? Can I not sniff without promiscuous mode? [closed]

It says on sources that promiscuous mode is required to sniff traffic that is not intended for corresponding NIC.

Network adapters with promiscuous mode can’t accept unicast traffic
intended for other VMs or traffic between other VMs with… Continue reading Why do I need promiscuous mode? Can I not sniff without promiscuous mode? [closed]

Technical details behind how a malware-infected device infects other devices on the same network?

I’m a security student and for one of my projects, I’m trying to learn the technical details behind a malware-infected device infecting other devices on the same network. I can see so much content everywhere stating that it happens, but I … Continue reading Technical details behind how a malware-infected device infects other devices on the same network?