Basically, It’s BASIC

The BASIC language may be considered old-hat here in 2025, and the days when a computer came as a matter of course with a BASIC interpreter are far behind us, …read more Continue reading Basically, It’s BASIC
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The BASIC language may be considered old-hat here in 2025, and the days when a computer came as a matter of course with a BASIC interpreter are far behind us, …read more Continue reading Basically, It’s BASIC
In his most recent article, [Ken Shirriff] takes a break from putting ASICs under a microscope, and instead does the same in a proverbial manner with the word ‘mainframe’. Although …read more Continue reading How the Main Frame Became the Mainframe: an Etymological Dissertation
What do you do with a circa 1985 Casio FX-451 calculator with a bad keyboard? Well, if you are [Poking Technology], you transplant the inside of the calculator to a …read more Continue reading Casio Calculator Gets New Keyboard
The Timex Sinclair 1000 was a sleek and compact machine, and the US counterpart to the more well-known Spectrum ZX-81. Timex may not have come to dominate the computer market, …read more Continue reading A New Case and Keyboard For The Timex Sinclair 1000
Remember the ZEOS Pocket PC? Perhaps you knew it as the Tidalwave PS-1000. Either way, it was a small clamshell computing device that was first released all the way back …read more Continue reading Ancient Pocket Computer Gets a USB-C Upgrade
Hey, you know that guy in accounting, Marco? If you want to find out more about him, you’d probably go surf LinkedIn or maybe a social media site. Inside a …read more Continue reading Forgotten Internet: Giving (or Getting) the Finger
In the mid 1980s, there was a rash of 16-bit computers entering the market. One of them stood head and shoulders above the rest: Commodore’s Amiga 1000. It had everything …read more Continue reading Lessons Learned, When Restoring An Amiga 1000
Though it is many decades since paper tape was commonly used as a data input or storage medium, it still holds a fascination for many who work with computers. Over …read more Continue reading Paper Tape – With LASERs!
For many people of a certain age, the DEC VAX was the first computer they ever used. They were everywhere, powerful for their day, and relatively affordable for schools and …read more Continue reading Your VAX in a Cloud is Ready
If you’ve ever wondered what makes a computer tick, the Minimal 64×4 by [Slu4] is bound to grab your attention. It’s not a modern powerhouse, but a thoughtfully crafted throwback …read more Continue reading Going Minimal: 64×4, The Fun in Functional Computing