I’m not sure if my python deauth attack isn’t working properly or if I can’t capture deauthentication packages with wireshark? [closed]

I’ve been testing trying to deauthenticate my kindle from own wifi network. I created the following python script using scapy:
from scapy.all import(

from argparse import Argum… Continue reading I’m not sure if my python deauth attack isn’t working properly or if I can’t capture deauthentication packages with wireshark? [closed]

Is the Wi-Fi deauthentication attack in the wikipedia article correct? [closed]

As we know, a deauth (de-authentication) attack is an attack in which an attacker crafts a forged deauthentication frame, and sends it to the client as if coming from the Access Point, and then the client (victim) will be deauthenticated, … Continue reading Is the Wi-Fi deauthentication attack in the wikipedia article correct? [closed]

How to create multiple of clone networks to confuse owner? [closed]

How does the DSTIKE Deauther Watch create multiple fake APs with the same ssid? What tools can I use to perform the same task?
And I saw that the watch just grabs the password from the wifi password input box (correct me if I’m wrong), and… Continue reading How to create multiple of clone networks to confuse owner? [closed]

Device sends ARP request instead of DHCP DISCOVER after being de-authenticated

I have a mobile hotspot that is acting as my access point. The access point operates on the 192.168.137.x subnet. I am currently testing the effects of a de-authentication attack on the access point, using aireplay-ng.
In general, when a c… Continue reading Device sends ARP request instead of DHCP DISCOVER after being de-authenticated

How to perform de-authentication attack when device is connected to a fake access point?

I have a mobile hotspot that is acting as my access point. The access point operates on the 192.168.137.x subnet. My computer as well as another wireless device called ‘Device A’ are connected to the access point as clients. E.g. let’s say… Continue reading How to perform de-authentication attack when device is connected to a fake access point?