Magnetic seeds can be steered into cancer tissue to kill it with heat

One promising possibility for next-gen cancer treatments involves infiltrating tumors with specially-designed particles and heating them up to destroy the cancerous tissue, and new research from the University of College London (UCL) takes this technol… Continue reading Magnetic seeds can be steered into cancer tissue to kill it with heat

Targeting “pre-resistant” bacteria could stop superbugs from forming

The continuing rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs, is a growing concern, with some experts predicting they could kill millions per year by 2050. These bugs are evolving to evade our very best drugs, but knowing which ones ar… Continue reading Targeting “pre-resistant” bacteria could stop superbugs from forming

Brief exposure to near-infrared light improves deteriorating vision

As we age, our eyesight naturally declines but a new study has found exposing our retinas to short bursts of deep red light can help deteriorating vision. The research shows just three minutes of exposure to 670-nanometer (long wavelength) deep red lig… Continue reading Brief exposure to near-infrared light improves deteriorating vision

Next-gen supercharged COVID-19 vaccines may also target the common cold

UK researchers investigating a cohort of healthcare workers with a strange pre-existing resistance to SARS-CoV-2 infection have discovered a new antigen target for the next generation of COVID-19 vaccines. The researchers speculate the next wave of vac… Continue reading Next-gen supercharged COVID-19 vaccines may also target the common cold

Unique robotic hand can rotate objects without releasing its grasp

While there are now a number of robotic hands that can grasp objects, it’s usually impossible to change a grasped object’s orientation within the hand without releasing it. A new robotic hand is able to do so, however, via its rolling fingers.Continue … Continue reading Unique robotic hand can rotate objects without releasing its grasp

World’s brightest X-rays usher in medical imaging revolution

A groundbreaking new imaging technique, utilizing X-rays generated by a cutting-edge particle accelerator, is offering 3D images of whole organs in unprecedented detail. Demonstrating the technology researchers imaged the lung of a deceased COVID-19 pa… Continue reading World’s brightest X-rays usher in medical imaging revolution

Sharpest ever images of live bacteria unravel the secrets of superbugs

By using a nanoscale needle tip to probe the intricate exterior structures of Escherichia coli, scientists have produced the sharpest images ever of living bacteria. With this new perspective of its patchy protective layer, the researchers hope to furt… Continue reading Sharpest ever images of live bacteria unravel the secrets of superbugs

Missing link between severe COVID-19 and Alzheimer’s disease discovered

The gene variant plays a role in heightened inflammatory responses influencing both Alzheimer's disease and severe COVID-19

Early in the pandemic researchers saw disproportionately high rates of dementia patients suffering from severe COVID-19. A common hypothesis was that memory impairments associated with neurodegeneration affect a person’s ability to consistently follow infection control measures such as social distancing and mask wearing. But a new study led by scientists from University College London is proposing a key gene variant, known to heighten one’s risk for Alzheimer’s, stimulates the body’s inflammatory responses and can lead to greater susceptibility to severe COVID-19.

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Rheumatoid arthritis linked with gut bacteria imbalance

Impressive new research led by a team from University College London is suggesting bacterial imbalances in the gut microbiome may play a major role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis. The preclinical study found damage to the gut lining directl… Continue reading Rheumatoid arthritis linked with gut bacteria imbalance

New long COVID studies warn we’re still in “uncharted territory”

With successful vaccines helping prevent hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 scientists are racing to understand the long-term effects of this novel disease. Dubbed “long COVID”, a handful of new studies are beginning to shed light on this unusua… Continue reading New long COVID studies warn we’re still in “uncharted territory”