Stubborn liver cancer may have met its match in century-old TB vaccine

A single injection of the 102-year-old tuberculosis vaccine, BCG, has proven effective at triggering an immune response in mice and shrank their liver cancer tumors, according to research by UC Davis Health. The findings suggest that BCG might be an al… Continue reading Stubborn liver cancer may have met its match in century-old TB vaccine

Targeting “pre-resistant” bacteria could stop superbugs from forming

The continuing rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, also known as superbugs, is a growing concern, with some experts predicting they could kill millions per year by 2050. These bugs are evolving to evade our very best drugs, but knowing which ones ar… Continue reading Targeting “pre-resistant” bacteria could stop superbugs from forming

Test detects TB bacteria in children long before disease occurs

Because it can be difficult to detect tuberculosis in young children, the disease may be dangerously advanced by the time it’s diagnosed. A new blood test, however, is claimed to detect the presence of TB-causing bacteria up to a year before the diseas… Continue reading Test detects TB bacteria in children long before disease occurs

Newly found “keyhole” could starve the bacteria behind tuberculosis

While drugs are available to treat tuberculosis, like so many other bacterial infections the disease is becoming more and more resistant to the best medications currently on offer. Scientists at Canada’s University of Guelph have uncovered a promising … Continue reading Newly found “keyhole” could starve the bacteria behind tuberculosis

Compounds in scorpion venom found to kill staph and tuberculosis

The venom of deadly animals mightn’t seem like a great place to look for life-saving medicines, but scientists are continually sifting through these toxins to discover compounds with huge potential. Now researchers at Stanford studying scorpi… Continue reading Compounds in scorpion venom found to kill staph and tuberculosis

With some help from the sun, oyster mushrooms could fight TB

In developing nations with limited infrastructure, obtaining and storing vitamin supplements can be difficult. With that in mind, German scientists are now suggesting that people in such regions could fight tuberculosis (TB) by ingesting some… Continue reading With some help from the sun, oyster mushrooms could fight TB