Focused ultrasound turns chemo from shotgun blast to sniper shot

When fighting cancer, chemotherapy is still a bit of a blunt instrument. By combining it with soundwaves, however, researchers have found a way to turn it into more of a scalpel than a club, sparing damage to nearby tissue and the body as a whole.Conti… Continue reading Focused ultrasound turns chemo from shotgun blast to sniper shot

Focused ultrasound could be a non-invasive treatment for Alzheimer’s

Researchers have used focused ultrasound to non-invasively open up the blood-brain barrier (red) in mice

Two new studies have found that using focused ultrasound to open up the blood-brain barrier generated a positive immune response in the brain and allowed for the admission of gene-editing technology. The technique could be a non-invasive way of treating neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

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Targeted ultrasound changes brain function & could treat mental illness

A new study has found that using ultrasound to target specific areas of the brain causes functional changes that last for up to an hour. The findings pave the way for the development of non-invasive methods of treating mental health conditions such as … Continue reading Targeted ultrasound changes brain function & could treat mental illness

Ultrasound the surprise ingredient for better rosé wine, faster

Since being green-lit in 2019, high-powered, low-frequency ultrasound has become one of the most promising technological developments in winemaking. Its ability to effectively ‘age’ wine in minutes stands to revolutionize traditional production, which … Continue reading Ultrasound the surprise ingredient for better rosé wine, faster

Microneedle patch teams up with ultrasound to kill acne bacteria

A novel microneedle patch may bring new hope to people who struggle to keep their acne under control. Instead of utilizing antibiotics, the device releases nanoparticles that kill acne-causing bacteria when triggered by exposure to ultrasound.Continue … Continue reading Microneedle patch teams up with ultrasound to kill acne bacteria

Ultrasound to the brain induces hibernation in mice – and maybe humans

There are times when hibernating would be useful, like surgery or space travel, and we’re getting closer to being able to do so on demand in humans. Scientists have now demonstrated a way to induce a hibernation-like state in mice and rats using non-in… Continue reading Ultrasound to the brain induces hibernation in mice – and maybe humans

A wearable ultrasound could revolutionize monitoring on the move

Wearable technology is a rapidly evolving area of medicine, and now engineers from the University of California (UC) San Diego have continued the trend, developing a wireless ultrasound-system-on-a-patch that can continuously monitor vital signs in rea… Continue reading A wearable ultrasound could revolutionize monitoring on the move

Painless patch uses ultrasound to deliver drugs through the skin

MIT scientists have developed a new wearable patch that can deliver drugs through the skin more efficiently and painlessly. The device uses pulses of ultrasound to pry open the skin, which could improve topical medications or even tattoos.Continue Read… Continue reading Painless patch uses ultrasound to deliver drugs through the skin