Is next-gen threat modeling even about threats?

The threat landscape evolves with technology, and as threats grow in sophistication, there are concerns about major events like the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack or the Equifax breach repeating themselves elsewhere. While mainstream media focuses… Continue reading Is next-gen threat modeling even about threats?

Threat Modeling Approaches: On Premises or Third Party?

What’s the difference between on-premises and cloud security threat modeling approaches? Both can help protect against cloud threats and have distinct benefits and risks. The latest tech developments are happening here in the cross-section of cybersecurity and cloud security. More and more treasured data is being kept and used to make data-driven decisions. So, defending […]

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The simple secret to app security? Time

The thing about being a security consultant is that people are always looking to you for the “secret” to building a secure digital anything. And by “secret,” they usually mean “shortcut”. There is one simple secret to building secure applications. Unfo… Continue reading The simple secret to app security? Time