What is software threat modeling and how to use it effectively

The importance of software threat modeling continues to grow. NIST advises software engineers to adhere to secure software development best practices and do software threat modeling repeatedly during the development process, especially when creating ne… Continue reading What is software threat modeling and how to use it effectively

What are the security implications of using an old computer with no more BIOS updates?

What are potential security implications of using older unsupported motherboards/laptops that do not get BIOS(UEFI) updates anymore, but run an up to date GNU/Linux distribution?
Do measures like using secure boot or setting up a BIOS pass… Continue reading What are the security implications of using an old computer with no more BIOS updates?

Is next-gen threat modeling even about threats?

The threat landscape evolves with technology, and as threats grow in sophistication, there are concerns about major events like the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack or the Equifax breach repeating themselves elsewhere. While mainstream media focuses… Continue reading Is next-gen threat modeling even about threats?

Threat Modeling Approaches: On Premises or Third Party?

What’s the difference between on-premises and cloud security threat modeling approaches? Both can help protect against cloud threats and have distinct benefits and risks. The latest tech developments are happening here in the cross-section of cybersecurity and cloud security. More and more treasured data is being kept and used to make data-driven decisions. So, defending […]

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