Why does IPsec has a "partial" replay protection? If we drop all packets outside the moving window, then where is the threat?

IPsec is said to have "partial" replay protection because if a packet arrives outside the window, we can’t track it, so we have to make a choice: do we risk and accept it, or do we drop it?
If we drop all these outside-window pa… Continue reading Why does IPsec has a "partial" replay protection? If we drop all packets outside the moving window, then where is the threat?

Concatenating timestamp to data before encrypting it – is this a commonly used technique?

I have a web app that communicates with a backend server, and the users of the web app are organisations that each have a single login for the entire organisation. The app is meant to be used for example on TV’s in the cafeteria to display… Continue reading Concatenating timestamp to data before encrypting it – is this a commonly used technique?