Whch Cryptographic Standard ensures cryptographic agility and good adapotion

Which Cryptographic Message Standards are recommended to ensure cryptographic agility in the future and good adapotion trough different programming languages (.NET and Go)?
(PublicKey with authenticated symetric encryption)
I doesn’t want … Continue reading Whch Cryptographic Standard ensures cryptographic agility and good adapotion

Why don’t the nacl public key primitives for signatures and authenticated encryption use the same keys?

The nacl.cr.yp.to source code has separate methods for doing public key encryption: https://nacl.cr.yp.to/box.html and for verifying signatures: https://nacl.cr.yp.to/sign.html

I would expect that a private and public key ge… Continue reading Why don’t the nacl public key primitives for signatures and authenticated encryption use the same keys?