Learn to Optimize Code in Assembly… for Android

When programming a microcontroller, there are some physical limitations that you’ll come across much earlier than programming a modern computer, whether that’s program size or even processor speed. To make the most use of a small chip, we can easily dig into the assembly language to optimize our code. On the other hand, modern processors in everyday computers and smartphones are so fast and have so much memory compared to microcontrollers that this is rarely necessary, but on the off-chance that you really want to dig into the assembly language for ARM, [Uri Shaked] has a tutorial to get you …read more

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The Quest for Optimal Security

There’s no shortage of guidance available today about how to structure, build, and run a security program. Most guidance comes from a standpoint of inherent bias, whether it be to promote a product class, specific framework/standard, or to best align….. Continue reading The Quest for Optimal Security

Unlocking Drones with Go

Looking for a first project in a relatively new language that’ll stretch your abilities? [Ron] was, so he hacked a commercially available drone and opened up a lot of its functionality, while writing the client software in Go.

The drone is a DJI Tello, which has some impressive hardware like a 14-core Intel processor and excellent video processing abilities. There’s also a vibrant community and a lot of support, making it the ideal platform for a project like this. It communicates to a base station via WiFi, and using some tools like the Wireshark [Rob] was able to decipher a …read more

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The Analytic Staircase for Auditors

Building a successful audit analytics program is like climbing a staircase. The staircase is a set of steps that consist of several items having increasing levels of maturity. The staircase steps not only help you build your program, but enable …… Continue reading The Analytic Staircase for Auditors