The surprising reason we blink so much more than we need to

Blinking keeps our eyes moist – but we actually blink way more often than we need to if that was the only reason. Scientists at the University of Rochester have now found that the involuntary action plays a bigger role than we thought, helping us proce… Continue reading The surprising reason we blink so much more than we need to

“Ghost driver” study tests visual prompts for autonomous vehicle comms

With autonomous vehicles already rolling on public roads, researchers from the University of Nottingham in the UK have used a camouflaged driver to look at how pedestrians react to visual cues from oncoming cars without a human at the wheel.Continue Re… Continue reading “Ghost driver” study tests visual prompts for autonomous vehicle comms

Backpack AI system helps the visually-impaired navigate safely

Autonomous vehicles and robots use elaborate suites of sensors and cameras to make sense of their surroundings – but visually-impaired people still get by with canes and guide dogs. Now, engineers have developed a voice-activated wearable system that c… Continue reading Backpack AI system helps the visually-impaired navigate safely

The Analytic Staircase for Auditors

Building a successful audit analytics program is like climbing a staircase. The staircase is a set of steps that consist of several items having increasing levels of maturity. The staircase steps not only help you build your program, but enable …… Continue reading The Analytic Staircase for Auditors

Learning ARM assembly with visUAL

Learning assembly is very important if you want to get a grasp of how a computer truly works under the hood. VisUAL is a very capable ARM emulator for those interested in learning the ARM assembly.

In addition to supporting a large subset of ARM instructions, the CPU is emulated via a series of elaborate and instructive animations that help visualise the flow of data to/from registers, any changes made to flags, and any branches taken. It also packs very useful animations to help grasp some of the more tricky instruction such as shifts and stack manipulations.

As it is …read more

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How Hot is Your Faucet? What Color is the Water?

How hot is the water coming out of your tap? Knowing that the water in their apartment gets “crazy hot,” redditor [AEvans28] opted to whip up a visual water temperature display to warn them off when things get a bit spicy.

This neat little device is sequestered away inside an Altoids mint tin — an oft-used, multi-purpose case for makers. Inside sits an ATtiny85 microcontroller  — re-calibrated using an Arduino UNO to a more household temperature scale ranging from dark blue to flashing red — with additional room for a switch, while the 10k ohm NTC thermristor and RGB LED …read more

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