Malware de android: Como as empresas lidam com essa ameaça crescente?

Vamos primeiro concordar com algumas coisas antes de começar: Um, o Android é a plataforma mais acessível para empresas com uma força de trabalho móvel e tem a menor curva de aprendizado de qualquer sistema operacional móvel. Dois, devido à …
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Integre o gerenciamento do ciclo de vida do certificado e aumente a segurança do seu ecossistema móvel

Grande parte de uma rede corporativa atual é composta de endpoints móveis, como laptops, tablets e telefones celulares. São dispositivos associados e não pertencentes ao domínio que requerem acesso aos ativos corporativos para realizar as operações di… Continue reading Integre o gerenciamento do ciclo de vida do certificado e aumente a segurança do seu ecossistema móvel

Remote troubleshooting made easy with Mobile Device Manager Plus

System administrators play a vital role in every organization’s IT department, and one of the key responsibilities they have is to troubleshoot employees’ devices in case of device issue or malfunction to prevent loss of productivity. With employees wo… Continue reading Remote troubleshooting made easy with Mobile Device Manager Plus

How a mobile device management solution can help with securing devices in the digital workspace

The past decade has witnessed many organizations adapting to a digital workspace, replacing the traditional physical offices setups with virtual workplaces encompassing all the technologies that employees require to get their work done. Because of the … Continue reading How a mobile device management solution can help with securing devices in the digital workspace

Why VPNs on mobile devices are a crucial part of securing access to corporate data

Securing access to business resources has always been of high priority for admins and IT teams. In the wake of the pandemic, workforces are more distributed than ever before, and 76 percent of global office workers state that they would …
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Build a resilient cybersecurity framework by transforming your IT team into a security team

More organizations than ever before have shifted to a hybrid work culture to reduce the impact of COVID-19. This unprecedented change has not only given rise to new security challenges, but has also considerably increased the surface area available fo… Continue reading Build a resilient cybersecurity framework by transforming your IT team into a security team