Malware de android: Como as empresas lidam com essa ameaça crescente?

Vamos primeiro concordar com algumas coisas antes de começar: Um, o Android é a plataforma mais acessível para empresas com uma força de trabalho móvel e tem a menor curva de aprendizado de qualquer sistema operacional móvel. Dois, devido à …
The post… Continue reading Malware de android: Como as empresas lidam com essa ameaça crescente?

Security Vs. Convenience: Navigating the Mobile World

The emergence of COVID-19 vaccines has offered the UK light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. However, even with an increasingly vaccinated workforce, it remains unlikely that we will witness a rush back to the office environment, the ‘old normal.’ A… Continue reading Security Vs. Convenience: Navigating the Mobile World

Security Vs. Convenience: Navigating the Mobile World

The emergence of COVID-19 vaccines has offered the UK light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. However, even with an increasingly vaccinated workforce, it remains unlikely that we will witness a rush back to the office environment, the ‘old normal.’ A… Continue reading Security Vs. Convenience: Navigating the Mobile World

Despite MDM, Financial Services Plagued by Phishing, Malware

Mobile device management (MDM) deployments haven’t exactly put the kibosh on threats to financial services. In fact, even while MDM adoption rose 50%, quarterly exposure to phishing between 2019 and 2020 jumped by 125%, according to the Lookout Financ… Continue reading Despite MDM, Financial Services Plagued by Phishing, Malware

La nueva normalidad en la gestión de dispositivos móviles

El Covid-19 terminó con la organización empresarial tal como la conocíamos. La mayoría de las compañías optaron por el trabajo remoto de sus empleados, y al parecer esta tendencia llegó para quedarse. Pero ¿que ocurre con los dispositivos personales d… Continue reading La nueva normalidad en la gestión de dispositivos móviles

Cómo una solución de gestión de MDM puede proteger dispositivos móviles en el trabajo digital

Durante la última década muchas organizaciones se adaptaron a un espacio de trabajo digital, sustituyendo las instalaciones de oficinas físicas tradicionales por lugares de trabajo virtuales que incluyen todas las tecnologías que los empleados necesit… Continue reading Cómo una solución de gestión de MDM puede proteger dispositivos móviles en el trabajo digital

Endpoint Device Controls for Secure Remote Working

By Neeraj Nayak, Senior Manager, Product Marketing at CipherCloud   Endpoint security, today, has emerged as one of the biggest cybersecurity concerns in the industry. Due to the worldwide shift to remote workforce model, we are witnessing two maj… Continue reading Endpoint Device Controls for Secure Remote Working