Curiosity detects carbon signature on Mars that, on Earth, indicates life

NASA’s Curiosity rover has detected high amounts of an unexpected form of carbon on Mars. That might not sound too exciting, but the kicker is that here on Earth, this chemical signature is usually associated with life.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, … Continue reading Curiosity detects carbon signature on Mars that, on Earth, indicates life

2023 mission to Venus will skim the acidic clouds for signs of life

Is there microbial life floating around in the clouds of Venus? Scientists have long pondered this question and soon we may get some answers. A new report outlines the Venus Life Finder Missions, starting with a cloud-skimming mission in 2023 to search… Continue reading 2023 mission to Venus will skim the acidic clouds for signs of life

Ancient Martian lake and river delta clear in Perseverance photos

Jezero crater on Mars was chosen as the landing site for the Perseverance rover because satellite images suggested it was once an ancient lake. NASA scientists have now found more direct evidence of the location’s watery past, as photos snapped by the … Continue reading Ancient Martian lake and river delta clear in Perseverance photos

Self-replicating protocells created in lab may be life’s “missing link”

Exactly how life first emerged from non-living matter is one of the most enduring mysteries of science. In a new study, Japanese scientists have created self-replicating protocells in the lab, which they say could represent the “missing link” between c… Continue reading Self-replicating protocells created in lab may be life’s “missing link”

Say hi to Hycean worlds, a new class of exoplanet that could host life

More than 4,400 exoplanets have been discovered to date, and in the hunt for whether there may be life out there most of our attention has been focused on Earth-like worlds. But now, astronomers have defined a new class of exoplanet called “Hycean” wor… Continue reading Say hi to Hycean worlds, a new class of exoplanet that could host life

NASA’s Dragonfly to search for life on Titan

Saturn’s moon Titan is one of the most intriguing places in the solar system, so much so that NASA is planning to send a rotorcraft there in the mid 2030s. Now the science team behind this Dragonfly mission has outlined its science goals and objectives… Continue reading NASA’s Dragonfly to search for life on Titan

Controversial astronomer outlines plans to search for alien technology

Controversial physicist Avi Loeb is on the hunt for aliens again. His new Galileo Project is setting out to look for any extraterrestrial technology, by tracking unexplained oddities in the sky, studying interstellar objects that whiz through the solar… Continue reading Controversial astronomer outlines plans to search for alien technology

Methane in plumes from Saturn’s moon could be signs of microbial life

Something is making methane on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. A new study has found that methane levels detected from the icy moon are far higher than can be explained by known geochemical processes – but they are consistent with microbes.Continue ReadingCat… Continue reading Methane in plumes from Saturn’s moon could be signs of microbial life

Water study may wash out hopes for life on Venus

Hopes of finding life on Venus had already been dashed, but now a new study may have hammered the last nail into the coffin. New modeling of water activity on different solar system planets has found that Venus would be too dry for even the most extrem… Continue reading Water study may wash out hopes for life on Venus