Ancient Martian life may have died out in self-induced climate change

Humans might not be the first lifeforms in the solar system to face the threat of their own activity changing the climate of their home planet. A new model suggests that ancient Mars was once habitable enough to support methane-producing microbes, and … Continue reading Ancient Martian life may have died out in self-induced climate change

James Webb detects carbon dioxide in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

The James Webb Space Telescope has clearly detected carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of an exoplanet for the first time. The find marks a milestone for the telescope’s goal of analyzing distant planets, which could eventually help discover signs of ext… Continue reading James Webb detects carbon dioxide in exoplanet atmosphere for first time

Newly discovered chemical reactions could explain the origin of life

Exactly how non-living molecules sparked into life is one of the most puzzling mysteries of science. Now scientists at Scripps Research have discovered a new set of chemical reactions that can produce the building blocks of life out of materials though… Continue reading Newly discovered chemical reactions could explain the origin of life

Newly discovered chemical reactions could explain the origin of life

Exactly how non-living molecules sparked into life is one of the most puzzling mysteries of science. Now scientists at Scripps Research have discovered a new set of chemical reactions that can produce the building blocks of life out of materials though… Continue reading Newly discovered chemical reactions could explain the origin of life

A poor diet can’t be entirely offset by more exercise, study finds

Planning an extra half hour in the gym to counteract the effects of that extra doughnut in the morning? Think again. According to new research from the University of Sydney, high levels of exercise cannot offset the damaging effects of poor dietary cho… Continue reading A poor diet can’t be entirely offset by more exercise, study finds

BioFinder detects organic molecules in fossils, could help find aliens

Our first encounter with extraterrestrial life isn’t likely to be a spaceship landing on the White House lawn, but tiny fossils in the rocks of another planet. To aid in that search, scientists at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa have developed a port… Continue reading BioFinder detects organic molecules in fossils, could help find aliens

Chemical analysis may close the case on life on Venus

Whether or not there’s life on Venus is the subject of much debate among scientists, but a new study may close the case. Researchers at Cambridge have analyzed the Venusian atmosphere and found no sign of the chemical fingerprints microbes would be exp… Continue reading Chemical analysis may close the case on life on Venus

New synthetic hybrids of yeast and bacteria demonstrate ancient evolution

Scientists have created new artificial microbes by combining two very different organisms into one functioning entity. The hybrid of a yeast and a bacterium adds evidence to a long-standing hypothesis on how advanced life may have evolved.Continue Read… Continue reading New synthetic hybrids of yeast and bacteria demonstrate ancient evolution

All five of life’s base units have now been found in meteorites

How life on Earth first arose is one of the most profound mysteries of science, and evidence is mounting that the key building blocks may have been delivered to our home planet from space. A new study makes that scenario seem even more likely, as scien… Continue reading All five of life’s base units have now been found in meteorites

RNA “evolution” breakthrough offers new clues on the origins of life

Researchers at the University of Tokyo have created an RNA molecule that can not just replicate, but “evolve” into a diverse range of more complex molecules. This find could plug a major gap in the puzzle of how life on Earth began.Continue ReadingCate… Continue reading RNA “evolution” breakthrough offers new clues on the origins of life