3-million-mile-high tsunamis crash down on “heartbreak” star

From strange stars to weird worlds and other odd objects that defy explanation, the cosmos constantly surprises us. Now astronomers have discovered a “heartbreak” star system where tidal waves, three times taller than the Sun, rise and crash on the sur… Continue reading 3-million-mile-high tsunamis crash down on “heartbreak” star

Most distant object ever seen is a mysteriously bright, ancient galaxy

Astronomers have discovered the most distant object ever seen – a strange galaxy some 13.5 billion light-years away. Known as HD1, the galaxy may house a never-before-seen population of stars, or a supermassive black hole mysteriously ahead of its time… Continue reading Most distant object ever seen is a mysteriously bright, ancient galaxy

Astronomers discover where a cosmic cataclysm blew a huge hole in space

Astronomers have discovered a big hole in space. New 3D visualizations of the Perseus and Taurus star-forming clouds have revealed a large cavity between them, possibly created in ancient supernova explosions.Continue ReadingCategory: Space, ScienceTag… Continue reading Astronomers discover where a cosmic cataclysm blew a huge hole in space

Controversial astronomer outlines plans to search for alien technology

Controversial physicist Avi Loeb is on the hunt for aliens again. His new Galileo Project is setting out to look for any extraterrestrial technology, by tracking unexplained oddities in the sky, studying interstellar objects that whiz through the solar… Continue reading Controversial astronomer outlines plans to search for alien technology

“Restless” supermassive black hole may be wandering round its galaxy

Moons orbit planets, planets orbit stars, and stars in galaxies orbit supermassive black holes. And that’s more or less where the chain ends, because the super masses involved tend to anchor those black holes in place. But now, researchers have found e… Continue reading “Restless” supermassive black hole may be wandering round its galaxy

Sun’s long-lost twin could have captured Planet Nine

While the Sun is very clearly a solo act nowadays, some astronomers theorize that it once had a binary companion star. Now, Harvard scientists have added weight to the idea by showing that an ancient binary solar system explains the strange structure o… Continue reading Sun’s long-lost twin could have captured Planet Nine

Planet Nine could be a black hole, and a new telescope will tell us

The closest confirmed black hole to Earth is 1,000 light-years away – but could there be one hiding in our own backyard? It’s been hypothesized that a tiny black hole could be orbiting the Sun beyond Neptune, and now astronomers have proposed how we mi… Continue reading Planet Nine could be a black hole, and a new telescope will tell us

NASA funds SETI study to scan exoplanets for alien “technosignatures”

Given just how incomprehensibly, unfathomably big the universe is, chances are tiny that Earth is the only planet with life on it. But how would we find others? A new NASA grant has been awarded to aid the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI… Continue reading NASA funds SETI study to scan exoplanets for alien “technosignatures”